Piper pilovarium Yunck.

  • Authority

    Yuncker, Truman G. 1955. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. Camp. Piperaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9 (2): 147-170.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Piper pilovarium Yunck.

  • Type

    CHIMBORAZO: canon of the Rio Chanchan, about 5 km north of Huiera. 1500-1950 m May 19-28, 1945, E-3439 (TYPE).

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Arbor; internodiis superis conferte brunneo-pubescentibus, pilis brevibus longisque una intermixtis; foliis lanceolatis, apice attenuate acute acuminatis mucronatis, basi subaequilateraliter rotundato-cordulatis, utrinque subvillosis, a parte infera pinnatim venosis; ovario globoso, perconferte pubescente; stigmatibus deorsum pubescentibus.

    Species Description - Tree, 8 m tall, with trunk 20 cm in diameter; upper internodes rather slender, 4-5 cm long, lengthening downward, densely subretrorsely brown-hairy, the hairs of various lengths up to 2 mm long; leaves lanceolate, 4-7 cm wide x 15-23 cm long, the apex attenuately sharp-acuminate, the tip with a hairy mucro up to 3 mm long, the base subequilaterally rounded, cordulate, with one side 1-2 mm shorter, or occasionally acute, both sides subvillous, the nerves very densely so, the hairs suberect, slightly rugose when dry, pinnately nerved from the lower half, the nerves 5-7 on each side, with cross-connecting-anastomosing nervules, dark green above, paler beneath when growing, drying dark, opaque, glandular-dotted beneath; petiole about 5-10 mm long, densely villous, vaginate to near the blade; spikes 3-4 mm thick x 10-13 cm long; peduncle 10-15 mm long, villous; bracts stout-clavate with rounded, dome-like apex, brown-hairy; ovary globose, densely hairy, the hairs extending part way on the awl-shaped stigmas; fruit not developed.

  • Discussion

    The tree-like habit of growth, densely villous stems and leaves, and especially the ovaries characterize this species.