Luzula rostrata Buchenau
Ebinger, John E. 1964. Taxonomy of the Subgenus Pterodes, Genus Luzula. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10 (5): 279-304.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Perennial; strongly stoloniferous to rarely slightly caespitose; stolons to 10 cm long, less than 1 mm wide, with dark colored scale-like leaves and slender adventitious roots; blades of basal leaves flat, 4-7 mm wide, to 10 (rarely 13) cm long, margins pubescent, apex callose-tipped; culms erect, 15-25 (rarely 30) cm tall, slender, smooth, bearing 2-3 leaves; sheath closed, pubescent at the throat with long white hairs; blades linear, 3-6 mm wide, to 4 (rarely 5) cm long, tapering abruptly to a callose-tip; margins sparsely pubescent, not curled; inflorescence terminal, usually compound with a few secondary pedicels; pedicels erect to slightly nodding, rarely reflexed; basal bract erect, much shorter than the inflorescence, leaf-like, green, the margins sparsely pubescent, callose-tipped; other bracts light brown or purple, short; inner bract at the base of the pedicels usually truncate with a hyaline tip, usually glabrous; outer bract at the base of each pedicel equalling to much shorter than the inner, acuminate, margins pubescent; bracteoles ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, hyaline to light brown or purple with a wide hyaline margin and tip, one third to half as long as the flower; perianth segments similar, equal, lanceolate, entire, not awned, light brown to purple, margins usually hyaline, 2-3.5 mm long; stamens 6 shorter than the perianth, filaments linear white 0.6-1.0 mm long, anthers linear to ovate, vary in length from shorter to longer than the filaments; pistil erect, ovary three angled to round, style filiform 0.5-1 mm long, stigmas 3 erect 1.3-2 mm long, extending above the perianth; fruit longer than the perianth, to 4 mm long, apex mueronate with the persistent base of the style, usually stramineous to light brown; seeds 1.2 mm long, dark purple to castaneous; caruncle situated on apex and side of the seed, almost as wide as the seed, to as long as the seed, erect to slightly curved.