Strychnos amazonica Krukoff
Krukoff, Boris A. & Barneby, Rupert C. 1969. Supplementary notes on the American species of Strychnos. VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 20: 1-93, IX. 94-99.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Fruits more or less globose, small, the largest examined (not fully mature) 2.5 cm in diam; shell thin, ±1.5 mm thick, dark gray, rough, rugose; testa crustaceous; seeds few, more or less discoid, ±15 mm long and ±13 mm broad; fruit-pedicels about 4 mm in diam (Ducke 2273 and others). Fruits resemble those of S. macrophylla.
The first lecord of the species from the State of Para, from the Territory of Acre, and from the basin of Igarape Jandiatuba, in the State of Amazonas. The specimens examined are all from the high forest on terra firme (some from "restinga alta” and “capoeira fechada”). It is a huge bush-rope. Schultes & Cabrera 19095 cited in Supplement VII (7a: 42) bears the wrong label and probably belongs with Schultes & Cabrera 19096. It is said on the label of Schultes & Cabrera 19095: “bracts red, flowers yellow.” All Prance’s collections are represented by samples of root bark which were sent to Prof. Marini-Bettolo for chemical studies.
Brazil: Para: Oriximina (Poçoes), Egler 582 (MG); Amazonas: basin of Igarape Jandiatuba, Froes 23832 (IAN); basin of Rio Madeira, G. Proctor Cooper 3rd 25 (fr.) (G); basin of Rio Negro, near Manaus, Ducke 2273 (RB) (fr.), Prance 4724, 4797, 4799, 4803; Chagas sn (5343, INPA), sn (5344, INPA); L. Coêlho sn (5282, INPA); (9147, INPA); Chagas & Dionizio sn (20/2—56) (IAN); Territory of Acre: Rio Branco, mato do Fomento, Luiz Emygdio 1841 (R). Colombia: Putumayo: Schultes & Cabrera 19096 (F).
Brazil South America| Colombia South America|