Micrandra siphonoides Benth.
Maguire, Bassett. 1967. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part VII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 17: 1-439.
Scientific Name
Distribution and Ecology - Upper Rio Negro and Hylaea (Para, Manaos, Olivenca) at altitudes of around 400-500 m. BRAZIL. Amazonas: prope Panure ad Rio Uaupes, Oct 1852-Jan 1853, R. Spruce 2479 (type of M. minor Benth.). VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Rio Negro, base of Piedra de Cocuy, 22-23 Dec 1947, 8 May 1948, Schultes & Lopez 9460, 9880 (NY); Cerro Yapacana, vicinity of Camp Compound, 2 Jan 1951, Maguire, Cowan & Wurdack 30646 (NY); Rio Atabapo, Yavita-Pimichin trail near Yavita, alt 130 m, 10 Jun 1959, Wurdack & Adderley 42909 (fr. only, leaf base pronouncedly cuneate NY) ; Rio Atabapo, occasional, alt 125-140 m, 11 Jun 1959, Wurdack & Adderley 42933; Rio Guainia, Cano San Miguel between Limoncito and Cano Ikebenie, about 70 river km from mouth, alt 120-130 m, 29 Jun 1959, 11 urdack & Adderley 43250 (these two last numbers have membranaceous leaves with conspicuous reddish sideveins.) ; Bolivar: Nichare, Alto Caura, 1898, S. B. Richard s.n. (NY); Rio Torono, Indian camp above junction with Rio Paragua, alt 280 m, dense forest, 11-12 Apr 1943, Killip 37418 (NY) Rio Abacapa, from mouth to 1/4 mile upstream, northwestern part of Abacapa-tepui, Chimanta Massif, alt 415 m, 29 Mar 1953, Steyermark 74711 (NY); Rio Anacapa-Alto Caroni, alt 400 m, 22 Aug 1954, Bernardi 1520 (NY) below Base Camp along Rio Titica to mouth of Rio Torono, alt 500-515 m 9 Alar 1955, Steyermark & Wurdack 1298 (NY); cercanias del campamento en el lado sur del rio Ichun, tributario del rio Paragua, debajo de Salto Maria Espuma (Salto Ichun), en suelo arenoso, lat 4°46', long 63° 18', alt 500 m 3 Dec 1961 Steyermark 90416, 90460 (NY).
Micrandra minor Benth., Jour. Bot. & Kew Misc. 6: 372. 1854 (type, Spruce 2479).
Micrandra siphonoides var genuina Mull.-Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 710. 1866.
Micrandra siphonoides var minor Miill.-Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 710. 1866.
Type. Rio Uaupes, Spruce 2427 (isotype NY).
Micrandra siphonoides is well represented from upper Rio Negro in collections by Schultes and Lopez, but no detailed list of collections will be given here, as we do not consider that area as strictly belonging to Guayana Highland.
In Bentham’s original concept M. minor differed from M. siphonoides by narrower leaves, shorter petioles and fewer flowers per panicle.
Upper Rio Negro and Hylaea (Para, Manaos, Olivenca) at altitudes of around 400-500 m.
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