Pera nitida (Benth.) Jabl.

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1967. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part VII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 17: 1-439.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Pera nitida (Benth.) Jabl.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Venezuela and British Guiana to Brazil. BRITISH GUIANA. Basin of Essequibo River, near mouth of Onoro Creek, about lat 1°35'N, dense forest, 15-24 Dec 1937, A. C. Smith 2658 (NY,P); Parabara savannah, alt’600 ft, 8 Dec 1952, Guppy 627, Rec. No. 7642 (NY, P); Essequibo River, Morabelli Creek near Bartica, near sea level, 11 Oct 1929, Sandwith 425 (P) . VENEZUELA. Bolivar: dense forest along Rio Karuai bordering savannah between base of Ptari-tepui and Sororopan-tepui, alt 1220 m, 28 Nov 1944, Steyermark 60738 (NY); occasional at sabanita edges near Rio Aro, 6 km below mouth of Cano Azul, alt 390 m, 29 Mar 1955, Wurdack 241 (NY); selva pluvial, Campo Diam. Uaiparu. 19 Apr 1957, Bernardi 6659 (NY), especie abundante en sabana, bosquetes, selva pluvial, variabilisimo en tamano, Kabaru, alt 450 m, 21 Apr 1957, Bernardi 6708 (NY) ; Amazonas: edge of large savannah to Cano Camp, base of Cerro Yapacana, alt 130 m, 31 Dec 1951, Maguire, Cowan & Wurdack 30511 (fr. NY); Yapacana Savannas, northwest base of Cerro Yapacana, alt 125 m, 20 Nov 1953, Maguire, Wurdack & Bunting 36564 (NY). BRAZIL. Amazonas: Municipality Humayta, near Livramento on rio Livramento, on terra firma, 12 Oct-6 Nov 1934, Krukoff 6905 (NY); on plateau between Rio Livramento and Rio Ipixuna, 7-18 Nov 1934, Krukoff 7061 (NY) ; Maues, praia alagavel do rio, 30 Nov 1946, Murca Pires 91 (NY).

  • Discussion

    Peridium bicolor var nitidum Benth., Jour. Bot. & Kew Misc. 6: 323. 1854.

    Pera decipiens Miill.-Arg., Linnaea 34 : 201. 1865 quoad Rich. Schomb. 1070 and 1071.

    Type. There are 5 specimens cited by Bentham in the original description, which have to be considered syntypes: British Guiana, Rob. Schomburgk second collection 685 and 686, Rich. Schomburgk 1070 and 1071; and Obidos on the Rio Negro, Spruce. Although I have not seen these syntypes, Bentham’s description is clear and to the point: “foliis...subtus... squamellis minutis...flavi-cantibus et glandulis minutis punctatis.”

  • Distribution

    Venezuela and British Guiana to Brazil.

    Guyana South America| Venezuela South America| Brazil South America|