Dalechampia scandens L.
Maguire, Bassett. 1967. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part VII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 17: 1-439.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Extreme variability of leafshape, involucral bracts, shape and indumentum of sepals, stipules, and stylar column have caused the introduction of a dozen varietal names without the possibility of proper evaluation of their taxonomic value. Quantitative taxonomy has a field here, but much more collecting is needed before a useful study can be undertaken.
Habitat in America meridionali.” Not seen.
Distribution and Ecology: Worldwide tropical shrub and twining vine. Common in the Hylaea and Guianas. VENEZUELA. Bolivar: edges of savanna and morichal near Pilon, 5 km NE of mouth of Rio Parguaza, alt 100 m, 5 Jan 1956, Wurdack & Monachino 41129; wooded rocky (igneous) summit of cerro between Las Nieves and base of slopes SE of Cerro Pichacho, N of Las Nieves, 45 km N of Tumeremo, Altiplanicie de Nuria, alt 100-300 m, 1-11 Feb 1960, Steyermark 89287 (NY); Lower Orinoco, 1896, Rusby & Squires 277 (NY). BRAZIL. Para: in vicinibus Santarem, Nnv-Mar 1849-50, R. Spruce s.n. (NY). SURINAME. Via secta ab Wia wia-bank ad Grote Zwiebel Swamp, on third ridge, in forest, near Km 1.3, 16 Nov 1948, Lanjouw A Lindeman 1114 (NY); Tibi savanne, near the village, 13 Jan 1949, Lanjouw & Lindeman 1807 (NY). BRITISH GUIANA. Japacooma Creek, May 1909, Stockdale (NY) ; Iramaipang, Kanuku Mts., Dec 1948, WB 606, Rec. n. 5978 (NY); Tumhwan, Rupumini Rock “island” in scrub, alt 300 ft, 28 Oct 1957, C. D. K. Cook 44 (NY); Atkinson Field, Demerara, 8 Dec 1958, ,S. G. Harrison 1769 (NY). FRENCH GUIANA. Vicinity of Cayenne, among shrubs, sea coast, 30 Apr 1921, Broadway 78, 444 (NY).