Dalechampia parvibracteata Lanj.
Maguire, Bassett. 1967. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part VII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 17: 1-439.
Scientific Name
Distribution and Ecology - Guianas and Brazil (Amapa, Manaos, Para). BRITISH GUIANA. Mazaruni station, 10 Feb 1943, Fanshawe 1187, R.N. 3923 (NY); Mazaruni station, in mora swamp by Karau Creek, 21 Sep 1937, Sandwith 1565 (NY). BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Amapari, frequent along road to Porto Terezinha, heavily forested hills, alt 70 -300 m, 20 Nov 1954, Cowan 38482 (NY); Oiapoque, 29 Apr 1960, Egler 1482 (NY); Amazonas: Manaos, alt 25 m, 17 Oct 1929, Killip & Smith 30154 (NY).
Upper Demerara River, British Guiana, Sept 1887, Jenman 4088 (K).
This species is related to D. micrantha Poepp. & Endl. of the Hylaea from which it differs by cordate leaves.
Guianas and Brazil (Amapa, Manaos, Para).
Guyana South America| French Guiana South America| Brazil South America|