Ocotea nilssonii C.K.Allen
Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1964. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part V. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-278.
Scientific Name
Latin Diagnosis - Arbor ad 15 m alta, gemmis anguste tenuiterque ovoideis, griseo-pubescentibus, ramulis juventute satis robustis conspicue striatis angulatis atro-rubescentibus dense, minute, adpresseque fulvo-brunneo-pubescentibus mox teretibus fulvo-rubescenti-maculosis, pubescentibus. Folia alternata, petiolis crassis minute fulvo-rubescenti-pubescentibus valde canaliculatis, 10-15 mm longis et 2-3 mm latis, laminis supra glabris subtus minutissime inconspicueque pubescentibus percoriaceis, supra atro-viridescentibus subtus pallidioribus, saepe in sicco glaucescentibus, oblongo-ellipticis 14.5-18 cm longis, 5-7 cm latis, ad basim plerumque rotundatis ad apicem abrupte acuminatis vel acutis, margine revolutis, penninerviis, costa supra obscura leviter subtus conspicue elevata crassa brunnescenti fide coll., nervis 8-12-paribus supra obscuris subtus leviter graciliterque elevatis, brunnescentibus fide coll., ad angulo 55° divergentibus, rete venularum ut videtur laxo, obscuro. Inflorescentia juvenilis axillaris subterminalisque, minute adpresseque subferrugineo-pubescens stricte racemoso-paniculata, ad 6 cm longa, brevipedunculata. Flores immaturi ut videtur dioici [male] ? ante anthesin, perianthii lobis late ovatis, tubo ± indistincto; staminibus ser I & II antheris ovatis truncatis quam stylo crasso duplo vel plus longioribus, ser III subquad rangularibus quam ser I & II longioribus, biglandulosis, glandulis magnis; gynoecio abortivo, substipitato gracili, ovario anguste ellipsoideo, stigmate subsessili valde 2-lobata. Flores [female] ignoti. Infructescentia aliquantum robusta, minute pubescens, ad 6 cm longa, rubescens. Fructus immaturus? viridis fide coll., subglobosus, apiculatus, 7-8 mm diam., cupula vadose pater if ormi, 1.5-2 mm longa et 5-7 mm diam., leviter lobata, tepalis persistentibus expansis, pedicello ad 5 mm longo subobconico glabrescenti ad apicem ad 2 mm lato subtenta.
Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Small tree with dioecious flowers from the sandstone area of Bolivar, Venezuela, occurring on Chimanta and westward in the Caroni region, besides in the type locality.
Fig. 50.
Type. Tree 15 m, leaves coriaceous, deep, dark green above, pale green beneath with brownish midrib and nerves, flowering rachis ferruginous, flower buds pale green, vicinity of campamento 125, vicinity of Cerro Uei, between Luepa and Cerro Venamo, Bolivar, Venezuela, 1100 m, 22 Apr 1960, J. A. Steyermark & S. Nilsson 461 (holotype ? [male] fl. NY).
The very coarse, leathery leaves of this species, with obscure venation except for the prominent and thick midrib, appear at first glance to resemble those of O. adenotrachelium described by Nees from the Solimoes and later reported by Mez from Rio Negro as well. The latter, however, is distinguished by the very short petioles and the cordate leaf-blades which are Usually more attenuately acuminate. The young, unexpanded inflorescences of O. nilssonii (which may be pistillate, though at this stage it is difficult to be certain) would at maturity very probably reach a greater length and breadth. The blackish-red branchlets, angled towards the tips, maintain pubescence at maturity, though this is more scattered and more fulvous than ferruginous. At first glance, the fruiting material seems very different from the type, the leaves being much smaller. The general character of the branchlets, with the minute, fulvous, persistent pubescence not obscuring the dark reddish color, and the texture, shape, and venation of the leaves of both type and fruiting material are essentially the same. It is possible that the fiowers are hermaphrodite, but more mature specimens are necessary for complete certainty on this point.
The leaf-texture and color in the dried state call to mind Ocotea rodiei (Schomburgk) Mez, described from British Guiana, the type material of which is in late flowering stage. The leaves of the latter are acute at the base and the subterminal inflorescence much shorter than those of the above-described species. The branching of O. rodiei is characteristically more horizontal than is usually noted in the Lauraceae.