Phoebe steyermarkiana C.K.Allen
Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1964. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part V. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-278.
Scientific Name
Latin Diagnosis - Arbor ad 10 m alt., raro arbustum depressum, ad 3 m alt., gemmis robustis ovoideis ± apiculatis dense ferrugineo-tomentosis, ramulis robustis juventute adpresse ferrungineo-tomentosis, mox glabrescentibus atratis. Folia alternata adscendentia, petiolis robustis ad apicem intumescentibus, brevibus, 3-5 mm longis, breviter canaliculatis tomentosis mox glabrescentibus, laminis supra atrovirentibus glabris subtus argenteo-griseo-viridibus, e fulvo- ad ferrugineobrunneo-tomentosis, coriaceis late ovatis, ut videtur concavis, (5-) 10 (-11) cm longis et (4.5-) 6-7 cm latis, margine recurvatis, ad basim cordatis vel raro subrotundatis, ad apicem subrotundatis, obtusis vel emarginatis, penninerviis, costa robusta, supra leviter subtus prominentei elevata, ad basim subite intumescenti dense tomentosa, nervis 4-5-paribus supra glabris leviter subtus tomentosis conspicue elevatis, 1-2-paribus basilaribus descendenti-arcuatis, paribus superioribus adscendentibus, ad angulo 70-35° divergentibus. Inflorescentia robusta, axillaris vel subterminalis, ferrugineo-tomentosa, 5-6 cm longa, pedunculo et pedicello pallide viridi-ferrugineo-tomentosis. Flores hermaphroditi ad 5 mm longi pedicellati, dense tomentosi, lobis ellipticis vel ovatis ad 2.5 mm longis, tubo ad 1.5 mm longo; staminibus ser I & II ad 1.8 mm longis, antheris quam stylo satis robusto pubescenti leviter longioribus, ser III ovato-truncatis biglandulosis, glandulis ovatis ad basim et fere filamenta pubescentia et stipitata aequantibus, ser IV cordato-ovatis manifeste stipitatibus ad 1 mm longis; gynoecio glabro, ad 3 mm longo, ovario leviter obovoideo quam stylo robusto duplo longiori, stigmate conspicuo subtriangulari. Infructescentia crassa, glabra, ad 6 cm longa. Fructus ut videtur viridis, ellipsoideus, 3 X 2 cm, cupula cyathiformi rugosa ± duplo-marginata marginibus subaequalibus ad 1.5 cm longa ad marginem 3 cm lata, brevipedicellata, pedicellis robustis subtenta.
Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Small tree or occasionally depressed shrub of the drainages bordering rocky savannas or cumbres on slopes of sandstone mountains of Bolivar, Venezuela, from 2000 to 2400 m ; and possibly in the high elevations in the Caroni.
Fig. 41.
Type. Tree 7-8 m, leaves concave, coriaceous, deep green above, silvery grey-green below with fulvous- to ferruginous-brown tomentum, peduncles and pedicels pale green with brown to ferruginous tomentum, locally frequent in zanjones bordering rocky savanna above Upper Falls, between meanders of west branch of headwaters of Rio Tirica, Chimanta Massif, Bolivar, Venezuela, 2150 m, 17 Feb 1955, Julian A. Steyermark dc John J. Wurdack 921 (holotype, fl. NY).
Superficially, this striking species resembles Ocotea caesia (Meissner) Mez from Brazil in the erect, cordate leaves with peduncles swollen at the base. The resemblance ends there, however, for the 0. caesia is glabrous, the leaves are more elliptic, and the inflorescences are much longer than the leaves. The relationship of P. steyermarkiana within the genus is probably with P. tetragona (Meissner) Mez, with inflorescences longer than the glaucous leaves.
The species is named for Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, who has contributed much to the collections of Lauraceae from Venezuela, and indeed to a greater understanding of the flora as a whole of that region.