Endlicheria bracteolata (Meisn.) C.K.Allen

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1964. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part V. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-278.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Endlicheria bracteolata (Meisn.) C.K.Allen

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Small tree to 20 m, conspicuous for its subtriplinerved, yellow-green leaves, sericeous on the lower surface, occurring principally in sandstone areas of Brazil, Venezuela, British Guiana, and Suriname, and adjacent areas usually in woods along streams at an altitude from 100-200 m. VENEZUELA. Amazonas: en la margen de la selva alta, a lo largo del Rio Negro, casi al frente de la bifurcacion del Casiquiare, con el Guainia, Williams 14788 (fr. A ); along Yavita-Pimichin Trail, near Pimichin, Rio Guainia, Maguire, Wurdack & Bunting 36314 ([female] fl. NY); along Cano Asisa just downstream from Paru savanna camp, Rio Ventuari, Cowan & Wurdack 31529 (fr. NY); in mixed forest near Base Camp, Cerro Sipapo (Paraque), Maguire & Politi 28380 (fr. NY); frequent on river banks above Cuao Creek, Rio Orinoco, Maguire d; Politi 27384 (2 fl. NY), along Rio Cuao, 28159 (y. fr. NY); Bolivar: en el margen de la selva en la orilla del Caura, Salto de Para, Medio Caura, Williams 11348 (fr. F). BRAZIL. Amazonas: mata margem esquerda do Vaupes, Jauarete, Vaupes, Rio Negro, Froes 21243 ([male] fl. NY); silva non inundabili loco arenoso humido, Estrado do Aleixo, Manaos, Ducke 1733 ([male] fl. A, NY). BRITISH GUIANA. Occasional in Morabukea forest, Paruima Falls to Paruima Mission, Kamarang River, Wenamu Trail, Maguire dc Fanshawe 32463 ([male] fl. NY); Makreba Falls, Kurupung River, Upper Mazaruni Region, Pinkus 263 (fr. NY). SURINAME. Diabasic soil, mixed high forest, hill no. 1, Tafelberg (Table Mountain), Maguire 24712 ([male] fl. NY).

  • Discussion

    Goeppertia sericea Nees var. bracteolata Meissuer in DC. Prodr. 15': 174. 1864.

    Type. Prope San Carlos, ad Rio Negro, Amazonas, Venezuela 1853-54 Spruce 3092 (isotype, [male] fl.NY).

    This taxon has been treated heretofore as conspecific with E. sericea Nees, the much-collected species from the Antilles, and superficially resembles it. Close examination of Meissner's variety y bracteolata discloses significant and consistent differences; namely, the less rigidly coriaceous leaves, distinctly subtriplinerved, with a lack of prominent nerves branching from the costa in the upper portion, or these, if present usually but not always, obscure. In general, the flowers are less coarse and the pedicels more slender.

  • Distribution

    Distribution. Small tree to 20 m, conspicuous for its subtriplinerved, yellow-green leaves, sericeous on the lower surface, occurring principally in sandstone areas of Brazil, Venezuela, British Guiana, and Suriname, and adjacent areas usually in woods along streams at an altitude from 100-200 m.

    Venezuela South America| Brazil South America| Guyana South America| Suriname South America|