Aspidosperma verruculosum var. laeve Monach.
Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1961. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IV (2). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-87.
Scientific Name
Latin Diagnosis - Haec varietas a var. verruculosa foliis supra levibus, venis non prominulis, et indumento inflorescentiae ferrugineo recedit.
Diifers from var. verruculosum Muell.-Arg. in its leaves smooth above, the veins not prominulous or verruculose-elevated. The leaves, rather, are like those of A. spruceanum Benth. ex Muell.-Arg. or forms of A. album (Vahl) R. Ben. ex M. Pichon. The indumentum in the young inflorescence is ferruginous in.stead of gray. The corolla-lobes are 1.5 mm long (flowers not fully expanded), the anthers 0.7 mm long.
The fruit (M. & W. 35663) was described under questionably determined A. album in Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 10: 119 (1958). The flowers now prove the proper affinity. It is possible, however, that the differences are more than varietal and this taxon deserves the rank of a distinct species.