Orthaea venamensis
Maguire, Bassett. 1978. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part X. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 29: 1-288.
Scientific Name
Latin Diagnosis - Frutex epiphyticus scandens; fohis petiolatis, petiolis 2-5 mm longis glabris, laminis late ovatis vel lanceolato-ellipticis apice caudato-acuminatis, acumine obtuso 9-15 mm longo, basi rotundatis 4.5-7.5 x 2-4.5 cm utrinque glabris, nervis lateralibus 6-7 supra obsolescentibus subtus prominulis, venuhs tertiariis supra non manifestis subtus laxe grosseque paullo reticulatis; pedicellis angulatis 9-10 mm longis glabris; bracteolis duobus paullo infra medium insidentibus suboppositis suborbiculari-ovatis acutis 1.5 x 2 mm glabris interdum apice 2-ciliolate; calyce hypanthioque 4-5 x 3.5-4 mm glabro non apophyse; calycis tubo 2 x 4.5 mm apice truncato vel minute denticulatis; corolla cylindrica 32-33 mm longa basi 3 mm lata medio 6 mm lata apicem versus 3 mm lata glabra, lobis linearilanceolatis acutis 6-8 x 2 mm; staminibus alternatim aequalibus, antheris fere aequalibus alternatim 5 mm et 5.5-6 mm longis, thecis 2-2.5 mm longis, tubuhs 2.8-3 mm longis per poros obhquos 1 mm longos dehiscentibus, filamentis alternatim 3.5 mm et 4.5-5 mm longis glabris; stylo 31 mm longo, stigmatibus truncatis apice cUiatis.
Type. VENEZUELA. Edo. Bolivar: Cerro Venamo, southeastern part near the border of Guyana, bosque moscoso humedo montiioso a lo largo del afluente derecho (oeste) subiendo el Río Venamo, descendiendo el rio desde el campamento cerca de la union con el afluente este, 950-1150 m alt, 29-30 Dec 1963; epiphytic climbing high on tree; corolla scarlet; calyx green; leaves subcoriaceous, deep green above, dull green below, Steyermark, G. C. K. & E. Dunsterville 92423 (holotype VEN, isotype NY). From Orthaea apophysata this taxon differs in the non-apophysate base of calyx, longer corollas, linear-lanceolate and longer corolla lobes, leaf blades rounded at base, and more prominent development of the lateral nerves of the lower leaf surface. From O. merumensis it may be differentiated by the smaUer calyx, larger corolla, shorter anthers and pores, ovate, acute bracteoles, and more prominently nerved lower side of the leaf blade.