Satyria cerander (Dunal) A.C.Sm.
Maguire, Bassett. 1978. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part X. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 29: 1-288.
Scientific Name
Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Oiapoque, opposite Pedra Alice, epiphytic shrub with some roots descending along host's trunk to soil, Aug-Oct 1960, Irwin et al 47607,48650; along Rio Araguari, common to Murure River, 9-10 Sep 1961, Pires et al 50786; below Cachoeira Santa Rosa, near Cachoeira Capivara, common along Rio Araguari, 13 Sep 1961, Pires et al 50894.
This species, originally described as Thibaudia cerander Dunal, was shown to be congeneric with Satyria by Smith, and has been known only from two collections from French Guiana (the type collected in 1792 by Leblond, and an additional specimen from the Maroni by Melinon (138)).
Distribution. BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Oiapoque, opposite Pedra Alice, epiphytic shrub with some roots descending along host's trunk to soil, Aug-Oct 1960, Irwin et al 47607,48650; along Rio Araguari, common to Murure River, 9-10 Sep 1961, Pires et al 50786; below Cachoeira Santa Rosa, near Cachoeira Capivara, common along Rio Araguari, 13 Sep 1961, Pires et al 50894.
Brazil South America|