Spathiphyllum minor G.S.Bunting
Bunting, George S. 1960. A revision of Spathiphyllum (Araceae). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-54.
Scientific Name
Latin Diagnosis - Foliorum lamina obliqua, elliptico-lanceolata, 11-13.5 cm longa et 3 cm lata, ad apicem acuminata, ad basim cuneata vel acuta, veins primariis ca. 6-jugatis angulo ca. 45° divergentibus; petiolus ad 9.5 cm longus, alatus prope ad geniculum; geniculum 0.3-0.5 cm longum. Pedunculus quam petiolus 2-plo longior, ad 18 cm longus; spatha oblonga, 4-4.7 cm longa et 0.9-1 cm lata, apice acuminato, basi acuto et plus minusve complexa; spadix 1.7-2.5 cm longus, stipite ca. 0.8 cm longo; perianthii segmenta separata; pistillum obpyramidale, apice truncato, stigmate papilliformi perianthium superanti; ovarium 3-loculare, loculis uniovulatis ovulo solitari prope basim loculi cuique affixo; fructus ignotus.
Figure 6.
Type collection: E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 26153, "Dept. Junin, Pichis Trail, Santa Rosa, alt. 625-900 meters; dense forest," Peru; 6, 7 Jul 1929 (holotype U S , isotype N Y ) . Known only from the type collection, which was originally referred to the genus Steno.s2)ermatium by Krause; it is clearly a Spathiphyllum.
While represented by a single collection of two plants, S. minor is distinctive and is described as new without reservation. It is low in stature, and has proportionally rather broad leaves as compared to the other species whose locules are uniovulate (S. gracilis and S. peifulinervum). S. minor shows a strong relationship to the species of the sandstone areas of Guayana, especially to S. neblinae, but differs in the uniovulate condition of its locules.