Caraipa duckeana Kubitzki

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1978. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part X. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 29: 1-288.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Caraipa duckeana Kubitzki

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Arbor ad 25 m alta; foliis ellipticis vel oblongis, 7.5-15.0 cm longis, 3.7-8.0 cm latis, petiolo villoso, rugoso, 3-10 mm longo; inflorescentiis terminalibus vel lateralibus, paucifloribus, vulgo racemosis, 4-6 cm longis; bracteis bracteohsque ovatis, caducis; pedicellis 3-6 mm longis; sepalis rotundatis vel late obtusis, extus tomentosis, intus puberulis; capsulis oblique pyramidalibus, trigonis, rostratis, ca 2 cm longis, cum duobus loculis fecundis; exocarpo ex endocarpo dehiscente; seminibus compressis, ovatis, alatis distalibus, ca 1.5 cm longis.

    Species Description - Tree to 25 m in height; young branchlets pubescent, later glabrescent. Leaves distichous, coriaceous, glabrous above, dull, with scattered minute sessile stellate hairs and a bullate epidermis (also the guard cells protruding) beneath, elliptic to oblong, 1.7-2.8 times longer than wide, 7.5-15 cm long, 3.7-8 cm broad, widest at the middle or below the middle, the base rounded or obtuse and shortly attenuate, the top rounded and sometimes emarginate, or obtuse, the midrib slightly sunken above and prominent below, lateral nerves 14-17 pairs, transversal veins slightly visible on both sides, subparallel, the margin slightly revolute, translucent dots not visible; petiole villous, rugose, 3-10 mm long. Inflorescences terminal or lateral few (5-15)-flowered racemes or poor panicles, 4-6 cm in length, the branches, bracts, and pedicels ferrugineous-villous, bracts and bracteoles ovate, caducous, the bracteoles inserted in the lower half of the pedicels, pedicels 3-6 mm long. Sepals rounded or broad-obtuse, tomentose outside, puberulous inside, free lobes about 2.5 mm wide at the base and 2.5 mm long, ovary ferrugineous-tomentellous. Capsule obliquely pyramid-shaped, trigonous, beaked at the top, about 2 cm long and 1.7 cm wide at the base, with 2(?) fertile cehs, the surface smooth or minutely sulcate, ferrugineous-tomentehous, exocarp separable from endocarp, seeds flattened, ovate, winged in the upper part, about 1.5 cm long.

  • Discussion

    18. Caraipa duckeana Kubitzki, sp nov Fig Type. Brazil. Amazonas: A. Ducke RB 24077 (holotype M, isotypes F, RB). Note. One collection from western Amazonia (Brazil. Amazonas: Esperanga, at mouth of Rio Javary, Ducke 1105, M, NY, RB, US) differs in more numerous lateral nerves (17-20 pairs) diverging at an angle of ca 45° instead of normally 70-80°, and in many-flowered panicles.

  • Distribution

    Distribution. Fig 66. COLOMBIA. Vaupes: Rio Vaupes, Caiio Pacu, Schultes 5827 (F, US); Rio Kananari, Cerro Tsibukuri, Schultes & Cabrera 15088 (U). BRAZIL. Amazonas: Sao Paulo de Ohvenca, Ducke RB 24077 (F, M, RB); upper Jandiatuba, Froes 23886 (NY); road Humaita/Porto Velho; km 27, Prance et al 3496 (NY). Ecology. In riverine forests and at savanna margins. Fl Nov; fr Feb-Mar, Aug.

    Colombia South America| Brazil South America|