Mapania tepuiana (Steyerm.) T.Koyama

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1967. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part VII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 17: 1-439.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Mapania tepuiana (Steyerm.) T.Koyama

  • Description

    Species Description - Spiculae gluma dorsale et squuinellis 4 cnnstructae; glumae latiuscule ovato-ellipticae vel ellipticae 4-4.5 mm longae 1-1.25 nun latae; squamellae anguste oblongae 4-1.75 mm longae 0.5-0.75 mm latae, inferiores 2 laterales plicatae monandrac, ea anterior monandra nonnumquam vacua, ea posterior semper vacua; stamina exserta, anthera 1.3 mm longa; fructificationes oblongo-fusiformes usque ellipsoideo-ovoideae 3-3.5 mm longae 1-1.25 mm latae subteretes vel obscure trigonae basi fusco-tinctae supra medium dilute fulvescentes fusco-puncticulatae valde spongiosae apicem versus gradatim attenuantes stylum ca 1 mm longum desinentes, stigmatibus 2.

  • Discussion

    Type. Savanna, vicinity of ‘‘Misia Kathy Camp,” on mesa between Ptari-tepui and Sororopan-tepui, 1615 m alt, Bolivar, Venezuela, J. A. Steyermark 60238 (holotype F, isotype NY).

    Steyermark (Fieldiana Bot. 28: 51. 1951) described Mapania tepuiana under the genus Hypolytrum without giving his opinion as to its taxonomic relationships and its generic status. In my view this species should be placed in the genus Mapania as is discussed under M. imeriensis. In no sense does it belong in Hypolytrum.

  • Distribution

    Eastern Guayana including southeastern Venezuela, south of La Gran Sabana, and western montane British Guiana.

    Guyana South America| Venezuela South America|