Graffenrieda hitchcockii var. parvifolia Wurdack
Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1958. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part III. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-156.
Scientific Name
Latin Diagnosis - A var. hitchcockii differt foliis minoribus ovatioribus subtus subglabratis. Paniculae augustiores cum floribus paucioribus.
Type: shrub or small tree 3 m high, petals white, stamens yellow, occasional near Camp Yutaje, elev. 1300 m, Cerro Yutaje, Terr. Amazonas, Venezuela, Feb 6, 1953, Bassett Maguire cf- Celia K. Maguirc 35073 (NY).
Var. hitchcockii has nearly elliptic leaf-blades mostly 12-25 X 9-13 cm with rather persistent reddish puberulence; the floriferous parts of the panicles are 10-21 X 10-15 cm. It is represented, apart from the type collection, by Maguire & Maguire 35338 and 35360 (both from Yutaje). Var. parvifolia has ovateelliptic leaf blades 7-10 (-14) X 3-6 (-9) cm with acute to acutely rounded apices; the pubescence of the lower leaf-surf ace is chiefly confined to the nerves; and the flowering panicles are 7-13 X 5-7 cm, expanding up to 20 X 9 cm in fruit. The flowers of both varieties are either 4- or 5-merous; the ovary is predominantly 3-celled, rather than 4-celled as originally described.