Acisanthera hedyotidea (C.Presl) Triana

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1958. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part III. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-156.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Acisanthera hedyotidea (C.Presl) Triana

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Specimens examined: VENEZUELA: Carabobo, "Ohirgua," Alston 5953 (NY): Bolivar, morichales near Ciurlad Piar, Maguire, Wurdack & Bunting 35898 (NY) 35919 (NY), BRITISH GUIANA: Sand Creek, Eupununi River, Wilson-Browne 38 (NY); "Roraima," Schomburgk 515/827B (K). SURINAME: "E rege Para," Wullschlagel 168 (Isosyntype of A. Boissirriatia, NY). BRAZIL: Bahia, "Sahmann" s.n. (K, isotype of D. salrmannii); Para, Spruce 228 (K); Amazonas, Manaus, Colonia Machado, Ule 5997 (K, L).

  • Discussion

    Gleason (Rec. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 32: 205. 1037) has elaborated the confusion surrounding A. hedyotidea. I have examined the Kew specimen annotated by Triana and attributed by him to Salzmann; the label reads '' Bahia; in paludibus.—Rhexia microphylla," without collector indicated. Certainly this Bahia specimen is conspecific with A. boissieriana Coejn. The several collections from northeastern South America agree in essential details with Presl's and Naudin's descriptions and plates for Bicranthera hedyotidea and D. sahmannii. Presl's habit sketch shows old hypanthia and flowering hypanthia with no buds and I believe his generic statement concerning absence of petals even in buds is incorrect (indeed unique in the Melastomaeeae, if true).

  • Distribution

    Specimens examined: VENEZUELA: Carabobo, "Ohirgua," Alston 5953 (NY): Bolivar, morichales near Ciurlad Piar, Maguire, Wurdack & Bunting 35898 (NY) 35919 (NY), BRITISH GUIANA: Sand Creek, Eupununi River, Wilson-Browne 38 (NY); "Roraima," Schomburgk 515/827B (K). SURINAME: "E rege Para," Wullschlagel 168 (Isosyntype of A. Boissirriatia, NY). BRAZIL: Bahia, "Sahmann" s.n. (K, isotype of D. salrmannii); Para, Spruce 228 (K); Amazonas, Manaus, Colonia Machado, Ule 5997 (K, L).

    Venezuela South America| Guyana South America| Suriname South America| Brazil South America|