Marlierea bipennis (O.Berg) McVaugh

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1958. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part III. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-156.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Marlierea bipennis (O.Berg) McVaugh

  • Description

    Species Description - Up to 2.5—3 m high; leaves elliptic to lanceolate or ovate, 3-5 cm wide, 7-15 cm long, (2—) 2.5-3.5 times as long as wide, narrowed from the middle or below to the apex, rounded or acute at the base, the margins cuneately decurrent on the channeled petiole 1—1.5 mm thick, the petiole keeled or angled on the back at least in young leaves; midvein impressed as a narrow closed furrow; marginal vein 1 (-2) mm from the margin; upper leaf-surf ace obscurely puncticulate or the glands scarcely apparent; paired panicles up to 3 cm long, 5- to 9-flowered; flowers not seen; stamens probably 75-100; fruit 8-10 mm in diameter, lustrous blue-black.

  • Discussion

    Myrciaria bipennis Berg, Linnaea 31: 259. ?1862.

    Myrcia bipennis (Berg) McVaugh, Fieldiana Bot. 29: 189. 1956.

    This species is here designated as the type of the following distinctive section; the other members of this section are M. guildingiana, M. karuaiensis, and M. maguirei, which are described below in their proper alphabetical sequence. The descriptions provided for these species, and for M. bipennis, are abridged because a full description of the section is provided.

  • Distribution

    BRAZIL: on the Rio Negro, Spruce 3770, type. Amazonas: Caehoeira Caranguejo Rio Cauabury, E. G. Holt & E. R. Blake 551, Dec 16, 1930 (NY) ; Ilha de Jerusalem, Rio Negro, near mouth of Rio Cauabury, Holt & Blake 556, Dec 18, 1930 (NY). VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Solano, Bajo Casiquiare, elevation 100 m, March 12, 1942, L. Williams 14763 (F).

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