Duckea cyperaceoidea (Ducke) Maguire

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1958. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part III. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-156.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Duckea cyperaceoidea (Ducke) Maguire

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Distribution: Wet sandy soil of savanna and eampos, tributaries of the Rios Guainia and Casiquiare, Venezuela, Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil, and the lower basins of the Rios Jamunda, Trombetas, and Tapajoz, Para, Brazil. Specimens examined: BRAZIL: Para : Campos do Fero, Ducke 11347 (holotype US photo NY, isotype RB, F, 11G) ; Campos do Ariramba, fl. Trombetas, Dec 4, 1910, Ducke 11343, immature (paratypes US photo XY, photo F, S) ; same locality, Nov 30, 1913, Ducke 148S5 (paratype US, photo F); Campina Bello Vista, Rio Tapajoz, Dec fi, 1915, Ducke 15S32 (US photo NY, photo F) ; Campina de Perdicto, Rio Tapajoz, Sept 24, 1922, Ducke 187S6 (B, Si. Amazonas: C'natinga, Itaubal, Rio Araea, Rio Xegro, Oet 2(i, 1952, Froes & Addison 291?1 (XY). YEXEZITELA: Terr. Amazonas: Flowers yellow, infrequent, savanna margin, Sabana El Yenado, Cano Pimichin at 140 m alt., April 14, 1953, Maguire & Wurdaek 35572; occasional, savanna edge, Sabana Yenado, 140 m alt., Nov 23, 1933, Maguire, Wurdaek & Bunting 36 363; common in open marshy savanna, Sabana Grande, right bank Rio Paeimoni 50 km above mouth, at 110 m alt., Nov 29, 1953, Maguire, Wurdaek & Bunting 36467; Feb 7, 1954, Maguire, Wurdaek & Bunting 37573; 37686; flowers yellow, frequent, Sabana Hechimoni, Cano Hechimoni, at 120 m alt., Feb 9, 1954, Maguire, Wurdaek 4' Bunting 37630.

  • Discussion

    Cephalostcmon cyperaceaides Dueke, Arch. Bot. Jard. Eio de Janeiro 1: 10. 1915.

    Type: eampos do orientum appiduli. Fero, Para, Brazil, May 23, 1911, A. Ducke 11702.

    Duckea eypcraeroklea is most closely related to D. squarrosa, an affinity already noted by Ducke.

  • Distribution

    Distribution: Wet sandy soil of savanna and eampos, tributaries of the Rios Guainia and Casiquiare, Venezuela, Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil, and the lower basins of the Rios Jamunda, Trombetas, and Tapajoz, Para, Brazil.

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