Diospyros artanthifolia Mart. ex Miq.

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1978. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part XI. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 32: 1-391.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Diospyros artanthifolia Mart. ex Miq.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. A tree 4-15 m tall which is widely distributed in the Amazon basin from the foothills of the Andes to near its mouth. Also extending northwards into the basin of the Upper Orinoco and with outlying populations in Panama. VENEZUELA. Territorio Amazonas: Rio Siapa, Rio Casiquiare, tree 7 m high, fruk (immature) green, spines slightly irritating, 130 m alt, 5 Apr 1953, Maguire & Wurdack 34863 (FHO, NY); Rio Orinoco just above Tama-Tama, occasional, 150 m alt, tree 6 m, flowers white, Wurdack & Adderley 43645 (FHO, NY); Rio Ventuari, east slopes of Cerro Moriche, small tree 7 m high, fruits brownish, Maguire et al 30849 (FHO, NY); Rio Orinoco, just below mouth of Caño Yapacana, shrub 2-3 m; buds white, 125 m alt, Wurdack & Adderley 43054 (FHO, NY).

  • Discussion

    1. Diospyros artanthifolia [artanthaefolia] Martius ex Miq. in Martius, Fl. Bras. 7: 7. 1856. Diospyrospearcei Hiern, Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 12: 255. 1873. Type. Monterico, Peru, 900-1250 m, with male flowers, Pearce sn (holotype K; isotype BM). Diospyros peruviana Hiern, tom. cit. 253. Type. Tarapoto, Peru, with male flowers. Spruce 4411 (lectotype K; isolectotypes BM, C, F, GH, NY, P). Diospyros polyandra Spruce ex Hiern, tom. cit. 251. Type. Frequent on the banks of the Casiquiare River, Venezuela, Nov 1853, with male flowers. Spruce 3166 (lectotype K; isolectotypes C, P). Diospyros subrotata Hiern, tom. cit. 250. Type. Para, BrazU, with male flowers, Burchell 9923 (lectotype K). Type. Maynas, Peru, with immature fruits, Poeppig 2266 (holotype BR; isotypes L, OXF, W; phots FHO, US). Diospyros artanthifolia is somewhat variable in leaf-size, the density and length ofthe indumentum, and in the congestion or otherwise ofthe flowers and fruits. Variation in these features, however, is too poorly correlated to justify the retention of more than one species. Further work might lead to the recognkion of subspecies.

  • Distribution

    Distribution. A tree 4-15 m tall which is widely distributed in the Amazon basin from the foothills of the Andes to near its mouth. Also extending northwards into the basin of the Upper Orinoco and with outlying populations in Panama.

    Venezuela South America| Panama Central America|