Graffenrieda versicolor Gleason

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett, et al. 1953. The Botany of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 8 (2): 87-160.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Graffenrieda versicolor Gleason

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Frutex cauli crasso tenuiter tomentuloso; folia petiolata, lanceolata vel elliptica, coriacea, utrinque obtusa, 1-nervia, supra glabra, subtus tenuiter tomentosa brunnea vel argentea; panicula elongata; flores 5-meri breviter pedicellati; hypanthio obconico; calyx calyptratus, ad anthesin irregulariter ad torum ruptus; petal a triangulari-obovata; antherae subulatae arcuatae; calcar breve conicum; ovarium summo 10-aristatum.

    Species Description - Sparingly branched shrub, the thick stems, petioles, lower leaf-surface, panicle, and hypanthium densely but very thinly tomentulose. Petioles stout, 1-1.5 cm. long. Blades coriaceous, lanceolate to elliptic, up to 9.5 by 3 cm., obtuse at both ends, 1-nerved, entire, glabrous above. Panicle terminal, peduncled; flowers 5-merous, on stout pedicels 1-2 mm. long, in terminal glomerules and also in a few axillary short-stalked glomerules. Hypanthium narrowly obconic, 5 mm. long, thick-walled; calyx calyptrate, at anthesis irregularly ruptured to the torus into more or less ovate-triangular lobes up to 4 mm. long. Petals broadly triangular-obovate, 9 mm. long, 8 mm. wide. Stamens isomorphic; filaments flattened, 4-4.7 mm. long; anthers arcuate, subulate, about 6.5 mm. long; spur conic, erect, 1.25 mm. long. Ovary superior, narrowly conic, prolonged around the style-base into 10 erect subulate awns.

  • Discussion

    TYPE: from savannas on the summit of Cerro Sipapo, Bassett Maguire & Louis Politi 27948-A; New York Botanical Garden. Paratypes: Maguire & Politi 27531 and 27948; the latter has leaves up to 12 cm. long and 6 cm. wide and panicles as much as 2 dm. long.

    At least three other species of Graffenrieda were collected without flowers and could not be identified from foliage with any species known from the region. Their 27879, from intermediate altitudes on Cerro Sipapo, is a tree with very large ovate-lanceolate leaves densely brown-tomentose beneath and a large panicle with widely diverging branches. Maguire & Politi 27936 and 27576 represent a small tree with very large elliptic leaves glabrous beneath and a huge, widely branched panicle; it closely resembles G. boliviensis Cogn. in foliage and habit. Maguire & Politi 28272 and 28478a are from trees at intermediate elevations and summit of Cerro Sipapo with broadly ovate, strongly 9-pli-nerved leaves; the calyx apparently ruptures irregularly and the persistent lobes become indurate in fruit.