Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedw.) Schimp.
Buck, William R. 1987. Bryostephane Steereana: A Collection of Bryological Papers Presented to William Campbell Steere On The Occasion of His 80th Birthday. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 45: 1-749.
Scientific Name
Fig. 1.
Hypnum praelongum Hedw., Sp. Muse. 258. 1801; Stokesiella praelonga (Hedw.) Robins., Bryologist 70: 39. 1967; Kindbergia praelonga (Hedw.) Ochyra, Lindbergia 8: 53. 1982. Lectotype (selected by Touw & Knol, 1978): Dillenius's material ''Hypnum repens filicinum, triangularis parvis foliis, praelongum" (Herb. fol. 93, No. 15), not seen.
Oxyrrhynchium biforme Broth., Symb. Sin. 4: 109. 1929, syn. nov. Type: CHINA. Yunnan: In montium inter Dali (Talifu) et Hodjing regione temperate supra vicum Hsiangschuiho, 26° 15' N, ad terram silvae frondosae, 3000-3400 m, 25 May 1915, H. Bandel-Mazzetti 6492 (holotype H-BR).
Eurhynchium praelongum is characterized by the difference in the shape and size of its stem and branch leaves. The stem leaves have a broad triangular to cordate base and long narrow acumen while the branch leaves have a narrower base and a gradually tapering apex. The stem leaves have a narrow decurrent base and especially in the branch leaves the costa ends with projecting teeth on the dorsal side of the leaf. The seta of the specimen studied is rough from papillae but, as indicated in the original description of Oxyrrhynchium biforme, the opercula are lacking in the specimen. The plants are also rather regularly branched. All these characters connect the specimen with Eurhynchium praelongum and the comparison of the present figure (Fig. 1) with, e.g., that of Crum and Anderson (1981) shows that the plants are identical.