Lepanthes rupestris Stimson

  • Authority

    Ackerman, James D. 1995. An orchid flora of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 73: 1-203.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Lepanthes rupestris Stimson

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants epiphytic or lithophytic, caespitose, to 15 cm tall. Roots filiform, ca. 0.5 mm wide. Stems slender, erect, covered by 5-14 lepanthiform sheaths. Leaf solitary, subapical, coriaceous, ovate, tridenticulate, 1.3-4.3 cm long, 5-19 mm wide. Inflorescence 1 to few, pedunculate, fasciculate from stem apex, raceme fractiflex, to 2.7 cm long, appressed to upper surface of leaf, distichous, many-flowered; floral bracts minute. Flowers delicate, 4.5-5.5 mm long, produced in succession. Sepals yellow, subentire, ovate to ovate-triangular, basally connate; dorsal sepal 2.5-3.1 mm long, 1.6-2.8 mm wide; lateral sepals 2.0-2.7 mm long, 1.3-2.2 mm wide. Petals yellow with red or orange basal and apical margins, transversely bilobed, ca. 2 mm long, posterior lobes larger than the anterior lobes. Lip trilobed; lateral lobes lanceolate, falcate, to 1.1 mm long; middle lobe minute, densely pubescent. Column slender, to 1.1 mm long. Fruits subglobose, ca. 4 mm long.

  • Discussion

    6. Lepanthes rupestris Stimson, Brittonia 21: 339. 1969. Type. W. Stimson 1947, from the Luquillo Mountains, upper Quebrada Sonadora and tributaries, 1-2 mi above El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico (holotype, D U K E , not seen; isotypes, U C , K, N Y, seen; A M E S , COL, F, FPDB, G, IJ, MICH, M O, US, not seen). Phenology & Pollination. Flowering occurs all year. Its breeding system and pollinators are unknown.

  • Distribution

    General Distribution. Endemic to Puerto Rico.

    Puerto Rico South America|