Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Brid.) E.Britton

  • Authority

    Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part Two: Orthotrichales to Polytrichales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (2)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Brid.) E.Britton

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants small to medium-sized, dull, yellow- to golden-green. Stems irregularly branched; branches generally ascending, short, curved. Leaves crowded, homomallous, concave, 0.7-1.4 mm long, ovate or oblong-ovate, acute or short-acuminate; margins reflexed below, entire; upper cells generally short and broad, especially at the apex, oblongrhomboidal, 3-4:1, thick-walled; alar cells 3-6, oblong, enlarged, reddish- to brownish-yellow. Perichaetial leaves entire. Setae 5-10 mm long; capsules suberect, symmetric, short-cylindric, 1-1.5 mm long; cilia of endostome mdimentary or lacking. Spores 15-24 µm, finely papillose.

  • Discussion

    Fig. 742

    S. subpinnatum (Brid.) Britt., Bryologist 21: 28. 1918.

    Hypnum caespitosum Sw., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Occ 142.1788, non Leskea caespitosa Hedw., 1801.

    Leskea subpinnata Brid., Muscol. Recent. Suppl. 2: 54. 1812.

    Hypnum loxense Hook, in Kunth, Syn. Pl.l: 62. 1822.

    H. hampeanumC. Mull., Syn. Muse Frond. 2: 326. 1851.

    Sematophyllum caespitosum [Sw.] Mitt., J. Linn. Soc, Bot. 12: 479. 1869.

    S. loxense (Hook.) Mitt., J. Linn. Soc, Bot. 12: 479. 1869.

    Rhynchostegium hampei Besch., Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 16: 249. 1872.

    Rhaphidostegium caespitosum (Mitt.) Besch., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. VI, 3: 247. 1876.

    R. loxense (Hook.) Jaeg., Ber. Thatigk. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 1876-77:390. 1878.

    R. hampei (Besch.) Jaeg., Ber. Thatigk. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 1876-77:391.1878.

    R. barnesii Ren. & Card., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 29(1): 182. 1890.

    Aptychus semitortulusC. Müll., Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 213. 1897.

    A. longicollis Hampe ex C. Müll., Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 213. 1897.

    Rhaphidostegium longicolle (Hampe ex C. Müll.) Par., Index Bryol. 1098. 1897.

    R. semitortulum(C. Müll.) Par., Index Bryol. 1104. 1897.

    R. caespitosum var. laticuspidatum Card., Rev. Bryol. 40: 39. 1913.

    Sematophyllum hampei (Besch.) Broth, in E. & P., Nat Pfl. cd. 2, 11: 433. 1925.

    S. caespitosum var. laticuspidatum (Card.) Ther. Smithsonian Misc Collect. 85(4): 42. 1931.

    The dullness of the plants and broad leaves with short, broad apical cells are a feature of this species. The variability of the species, commonly known as Sematophyllum caespitosum, is by no means as great as many authors, especially Dixon (1920), have thought.

  • Distribution

    On trunks or branches of trees and stumps, rarely soil at the bases of trees and rocks, in forests; Chiapas, Hidalgo, Mexico, Michoacan, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatan.—Mexico to northern South America; West Indies; southeastern United States (Florida and Mississippi); Asia, Africa, and Australia.

    Mexico North America| Central America| Brazil South America| Colombia South America| French Guiana South America| Ecuador South America| Guyana South America| Peru South America| Suriname South America| Venezuela South America| West Indies| United States of America North America| Africa| Asia| Australia Oceania|