Leskeodon cubensis (Mitt.) Thér.

  • Authority

    Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part Two: Orthotrichales to Polytrichales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (2)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Leskeodon cubensis (Mitt.) Thér.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants up to 12 mm long and (with leaves) as much as 3.5 mm wide. Lateral leaves erect-spreading to spreading, contorted and undulate when dry, 1-3 mm long, elliptic or obovate, abruptly long-acuminate or long-cuspidate (the point 125-350 µm long); margins bordered by 2-3 rows of hyaline or yellowish cells; costa 1/2-3/4 the leaf length; upper cells 1-2:1, hexagonal or oblong-hexagonal, the apical cells 1-5:1, thin- or sometimes thick-walled and collenchymatous; basal cells laxly rectangular or hexagonal. Autoicous or synoicous. Setae up to 6 mm long, smooth; capsules erect to pendent, oval to ellipsoidal; peristome whitish. Spores µm.

  • Discussion

    Fig. 579a-c

    L. cubensis (Mitt.) Ther., Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. "Felipe Poey" 14: 364. 1940.

    Distichophyllum cubense Mitt., J. Linn. Soc, Bot. 12: 395. 1869.

  • Distribution

    On rotten wood; Oaxaca.-Mexico; Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica; West Indies.

    West Indies| Costa Rica South America| Honduras Central America| Guatemala Central America| Mexico North America|