Papillaria deppei (Hornsch. ex Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger

  • Authority

    Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part Two: Orthotrichales to Polytrichales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (2)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Papillaria deppei (Hornsch. ex Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants moderately robust, dull green to yellowish, brown, or black. Secondary stems u p to 26 cm long, usually pendent. Stem leaves appressed when dry, spreading when moist, 1.6-2.8 x 0.6-1 mm , plicate, triangular-lanceolate from a cordate or auriculate base, gradually long-acuminate, often ending in a capillary point; apical cells linear, 25-60 x 3-7 pm, 2-5-papillose; median cells linear, 26-64 x 3-5 µm, 2-6-papillose; basal cells oblong, often pitted, 15-43 x 4-10 µm; auricular cells linear, 21-37 x 3-4 µm, 2-5-papillose. Branches up to 2 cm long. Branch leaves 1.8-2.3 x 0.7-0.9 mm; apical cells long, 10-50 x 3-5 µm; median cells 27-57 x 3-6 pm; basal cells 13-37 x 4-10 µm; auricular cells 15-37 x 4-5 µm. Setae up to 6 mm long; capsules exserted; annulus small or lacking. Spores 14-28 µm, yellow-brown, rough.

  • Discussion

    Fig. 545f-i

    P. deppei (Hornsch. ex C. Miill.) Jaeg., Ber. Thatigk. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 1875-76: 264. 1877.

    Pterigynandrum seriatum Hornsch. ex C. Miill., Linnaea 19: 217. 1846, nom. nud. in syn.

    Pilotrichum seriatum Hornsch. ex C. Miill., Linnaea 19: 217. 1846, nom. nud.

    P. selhwianum Hampe, Linnaea 20: 93. 1847, nom. nud. in syn.

    Neckera deppei Hornsch. ex C. Mull., Syn. Muse Frond. 2:136.1850.

    Monoschisma viride Duby, Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve 19: 294.1868.

    NeckeradubyanaHampe, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 19: 509.1869, nom. mut.

    Meteorium deppei (C. Miill.) Mitt., J. Linn. Soc, Bot. 12: 441. 1869.

    Pihtrichelh consanguinea Hampe ex Besch., Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 16: 224. 1872.

    P. dubyana (Hampe) Besch., Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 16:224. 1872.

    P. subulifolia Schimp. ex Besch., Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 16: 225. 1872.

    Papillaria hahnii Besch. ex Ren. & Card., Bull. Soc Roy. Bot. Belgique 38(1): 20. 1900.

    Meteorium dubyanum (Hampe) Broth, in E. & P., Nat. Pfl. 1(3): 818. 1906.

    Papillaria seriata Wijk & Marg., Taxon 9: 191. 1960, nom. nud.

    The long acumina often ending in hairpoints give distinction to this species.

  • Distribution

    Pendent from branches of trees at moderate elevations (occasionally on moist rock surfaces); Chiapas, Colima (Socorro Island), Durango, Hidalgo, Michoacan, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Veracruz. Mexico to northern South America; West Indies.

    Mexico North America| Central America| South America| West Indies|