Mori, S. A., et al. 1997. Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana: Part 1. Pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and monocotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76: 1-422.
Scientific Name
Genus Description - Usually rhizomatous perennials; culms central or lateral. Leaves usually basal, comprising a blade, a sheath, and often a pseudopetiole, or reduced to a bladeless sheath. Involucral bracts leaf-like, on central culms, 2-several. Inflorescences terminal, usually capitate, with 1-many spikes; spikes compound, ovoid to ellipsoid or linear, with few to many spirally arranged scales, each subtending a spikelet; spikelets with 4-6 scales, the basal pair opposite, puberulent, keeled, each subtending 0 or 1 staminate flower, each flower with a single stamen, the rest of the scales imbricate, the next 1 or 2 also subtending single stamens and the distal ones sterile, the pistillate flowers terminal, stigmas 2 or 3. Fruits achene-like, rarely drupaceous.