Socratea exorrhiza (Mart.) H.Wendl.
Mori, S. A., et al. 1997. Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana: Part 1. Pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and monocotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76: 1-422.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Medium-sized to tall, single-stemmed, canopy plants, 5- 20 m X 10-18 cm, the trunk supported by loose cone of branched stilt roots, to 2 m X 0.5-9 cm, armed with pneumatorhizae transformed into small, conical spines. Leaves 5-8, ± arching, forming a plumose crown; sheath tubular, glabrous, prolonged beyond trunk, the crownshaft cylindrical, glaucous, green, to 1.5 m long; petiole terete, whitish-tomentose, 10-40 cm long; rachis brown-tomentose, rounded below, canaliculate above, 1.4-2.8 m long, with 13-25 pinnae inserted at regular intervals on each side; pinnae to 100 X 30 cm, cuneate, asymmetric, obliquely inserted at base, praemorse at apex, entire or longitudinally laciniate into 2-8 unequal segments, ± puberulous on veins abaxially. Inflorescences 1-4 per plant, erect in bud, pendulous at anthesis; peduncle 20-50 cm long, at first white-tomentose, becoming brown-tomentose; prophyll to 12 cm long, persistent, light brown-tomentose; peduncular bracts to 60 cm long, early caducous, light brown tomentose; rachis 8-25 cm long, bearing 9-14 rachillae, 30-70 cm long, with same tomentum as peduncle. Fruits ellipsoid, smooth, glabrous, 25-30 X 15-25 mm, yellowish brown at maturity. Fl, fr (year round); common but scattered on all types of soil and drainage, never occurring in high densities. Awara-monpe, awara-monbin.
Fl, fr (year round); common but scattered on all types of soil and drainage, never occurring in high densities. Awara-monpe, awara-monbin.
French Guiana South America|