Schizymenium campylocarpum (Hook. & Arn.) A.J.Shaw

  • Authority

    Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part One: Sphagnales to Bryales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (1): 1-452.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Schizymenium campylocarpum (Hook. & Arn.) A.J.Shaw

  • Description

    Species Description - Leaves of innovations 0.9-1.5 mm long, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, acute; margins plane, sinuolate-serrulate above or nearly throughout, rarely rather distinctly serrulate; costa ending near the apex; cells linear-flexuose, 60-100 x 8 µm above. Paroicous. Setae about 13-22 mm long, slender and flexuose; capsules 2.5-4 mm long, oblong-cylindric, usually somewhat to strongly curved with age; peristome consisting of divisions rising from a low membrane, not or ± appendiculate at the tips, smooth. Spores 14-32 µm, rather opaque, smooth or nearly so to densely but finely papillose.

  • Discussion

    Fig. 398 l-o

    S. campylocarpum(Yiook. &W.-Arn. ex Hook.) Shaw, Bryologist 88: 29. 1905.

    Pohlia minor Hornsch. cxSchlecht, Linnaea 6:62.1831, in part, nom. nud.

    Weissia campylocarpa Hook. & W.-Arn. ex Hook., Icones Pl. Crypt. 2: pl. 136. 1837.

    Mielichhoferia campylotheca C. Miill., Syn. Muse Frond. 1: 231. 1848.

    M. campylocarpa (Hook. & W.-Arn. ex Hook.) Mitt, J. Linn. Soc, Bot. 12:322. 1869.

    M. praticola Card., Rev. Bryol. 38: 3. 1911.

    The long, slender, subcylindric capsules are usually conspicuously upcurved, especially when dry and empty. The single peristome consists of a low basal membrane and slender, smooth divisions often more or less appendiculate at the tips.

  • Distribution

    On turfy and rocky soil at altitudes of 3200-5000 m, on the high volcanic peaks of central Mexico; Jalisco (Nevado de Colima), Mexico (Nevado de Toluca; Popocatepetl), Puebla (Ixtaccihuatl), Veracruz (Pico de Orizaba; between Perote and Cofre).—Mexico; Guatemala; Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru; reported from Hawaii, Marion Island, Australia, New Zealand, Kerguelen, South Africa, and Rhodesia.

    South Africa Africa| New Zealand Australia Oceania| Mexico North America| Guatemala Central America| Ecuador South America| Bolivia South America| Peru South America|