
  • Authority

    Mori, S. A., et al. 1997. Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana: Part 1. Pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and monocotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76: 1-422.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Species Description - Hemiepiphytic climbers. Juvenile leaves; shingled, ovate, inequilateral, dark green, spotted with white, cordate at base, acute to rounded and weakly apiculate at apex, paler on lower surface, drying green; midrib and 1-3 pairs ofpeimary lateral veins drying paler. Preadult leaves; blade entire, ovate- elliptic, somewhat inequilateral with one side ca. 1cm wider obtuse to rounded at base, gradually acuminate at apex, 14-25 x 6-10 cm; petioles almost as long as blades. Internodes of adult plants dark green, short, 0.6 - 6cm x 6 - 20 mm. Leaves:petioles 17-29 cm long, the sheath erect, curled inward, free portion thicker than broad, sharple sulcate; blade ovate, pinnate, deeply incised to near midrib (two sinuses on one side, one on other), 17-30 x 12-18 cm acute to rounded at base, weakly decurrent onto petiole, acuminate at apex, subcoriaceous, drying olive green above, yellowish green below; pinnae 4.5 - 5cm wide; midrib narrowly sunken above, convex and paler below, the minor veins few, weakly visible . Thought the species is clearly distinct from any other species at Saul and quite likely new, it cannot be described with out fertile material.

    Distribution and Ecology - Infrequent at Saul, seen along route to Belixon and along the black - water stream near the end of Sentier Botanique near Eaux Claires