Acaulon schimperianum (Sull.) Sull.

  • Authority

    Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part One: Sphagnales to Bryales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (1): 1-452.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Acaulon schimperianum (Sull.) Sull.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants 1-2 mm high, yellow-brown. Leaves up to 1 or 1.5 mm long, ± keeled, broadly oblong-ovate, abruptly narrowed to a flexuose-recurved, brown awn; margins recurved and unevenly serrate in the upper half or less, the teeth ± recurved and often forked at the tip, often erose-dentate at the base of the awn; costa filhng the awn, weak or lacking near the base; upper cells rhombic to oblong-rhombic, bearing 1, or occasionally 2 low or fairly stout, blunt, subcentral papillae. Setae very short, slender, slightly curved; capsules yellow-brown. Spores spherical, 36-42 p m , densely and finely papillose.

  • Discussion

    Fig. 284

    A. schimperianum (Sull.) Sull. ex Sull. & Lesq., Musci Bor.-Amer. (ed. 1), no. 26. 1856.

    Phascum schimperianum Sull. in Gray, Man. Bot. (ed. 2), 615. 1856.

    The species is distinctive because of awned leaves with sharp, uneven marginal serration and strongly papillose cells. For additional information, see C r u m and Anderson, 1965b.

    Acaulon muticum (Hedw.) C. Miill. var. rufescens (Jaeg.) Crum has been recorded from Tepotzotlan, Mexico, by Cardenas (1988) and from Puebla, by Delgadillo (1992b). This species, with cuspidate to long-apiculate rather than awned leaves with smooth cells, is known from a few localities in eastern North America, as well as Europe and North Africa.

  • Distribution

    On dry soil under cacti; Nuevo Leon. Arizona, Iowa, and Illinois.

    United States of America North America|