Aloina rigida (Hedw.) Limpr.
Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part One: Sphagnales to Bryales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (1): 1-452.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Stems up to 2.5 mm high. Leaves up to 2.5 mm long, lingulate, cucullate; margins entire to irregularly crenulate above; costa ending at or near the apex, in section showing 3-6 layers of stereids, with green filaments 3-9 cells high, consisting of spherical to cylindric, thin-walled cells; upper and midleaf cells 9-40 µm, mostly rectangular; basal marginal cells long, hyaline, and thin-walled in several rows. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves not differentiated or occasionally non-cucullate or inflexed at the upper laminae and weakly costate. Setae 6-21 mm long, red, strongly twisted to the right above, slightly to the left below; capsules 1-3 mm long, ovoid-cylindric, red; annulus well-developed in 1-3 rows, revoluble; operculum 0.6-1.7 mm long, subulate-rostrate, erect or inclined; peristome 820-1750 µm long, strongly twisted above a high basal membrane, yellowish. Spores 11-22 µm.
Fig. 272
A. rigida (Hedw.) Limpr., Laubm. Deutschl 1: 637. 1888.
Barbula rigida Hedw., Sp. Muse. 115. 1801.
Tortula calceolifoliaSpmceexMitt., J.Linn. Soc, Bot. 12:157.1869.
Aloina calceolifolia (Spruce ex Mitt.) Broth, in E. & P., Nat. Pfl. 1(3): 428. 1902.
The bordered leaf base, ovoid-cylindric capsules, subulate-rostrate opercula, and long peristome teeth are useful in identification.
On calcareous soil or rock in dry, disturbed places, up to 2775 m alt.; Nuevo Leon and Zacatecas.—Mexico; scattered in North America (Yukon, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Montana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, and New Mexico, possibly in California); Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru; southern Europe; Kenya; Asia.
Asia| Kenya Africa| Europe| Peru South America| Bolivia South America| Ecuador South America| United States of America North America| Canada North America|