Bryoerythrophyllum campylocarpum (Müll.Hal.) H.A.Crum

  • Authority

    Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part One: Sphagnales to Bryales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (1): 1-452.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Bryoerythrophyllum campylocarpum (Müll.Hal.) H.A.Crum

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants red- or yellow-brown. Stems branching by innovation, up to 25 mm high, rounded-triangular in section, with rhizoids sparse. Leaves often distant, erect-spreading, twisted and occasionally incurved when dry, spreading when moist, narrowly channeled, 1—2.5(-4) mm long, long-oblong, occasionally wasp-waisted, broadly acute, apiculate, the base oblong, sheathing; margins plane or weakly reflexed above a sheathing base, entire or distantly dentate above; costa percurrent to short-excurrent, dorsally papillose, the ventral cells quadrate and papillose or elongate and smooth; upper cells quadrate, strongly papillose; basal cells strongly differentiated within, about as wide as upper cells or m o r e commonly inflated, mostly 2-4:1, thin-walled, elongate along the margins. Dioicous. Setae ca. 12-15 mm long, 1(2) per perichaetium; µm ca. 1.5 mm long, cylindric, usually curved, often almost as short as the operculum, with a rigid suboral ring of 4-5 rows of thick-walled cells; annulus of 1-2 rows of vesiculose cells; operculum to 1.3 mm long, short-conic; peristome divisions rudimentary to short-linear, ca. 100-250 µm long, spiculose or ridged, lacking a basal membrane. Spores ca. 14-16 µm, weakly papillose.

  • Discussion

    Fig. 206

    B. campylocarpum (C. Mull.) Crum, Svensk Bot Tidskr. 51: 200.1957.

    Trichostomum campylocarpum C. Miill., Bot. Zeitung 9: 261. 1851.

    Syrrhopodon crispatus Hampe, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. V, 5: 335. 1866.

    Tortula arcuata Mitt., J. Linn. Soc, Bot. 12: 163. 1869.

    Trichostomum arcuatum (Mitt.) C. Müll., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. II, 4: 119.1897, horn, illeg., non Lam. & D C , 1815.

    T. campylopyxis C. Mull., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. II, 4: 118. 1897.

    Didymodon campylocarpus(C. Miill.) Broth, in E. & P., Nat. Pfl. 1(3): 405. 1902.

    Hyophila lusitanica Card. & Dix., Rev. Bryol. 39: 41. 1912.

    Didymodon calymperidictyon Broth, in Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2(3): 419. 1924.

    D. linearis Broth, in Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2(3): 419. 1924, horn, illeg., non Sw., 1829.

    Bryoerythrophyllum arcuatum (Mitt.) Crum, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 199. 1957.

    B. lusitanicum (Card. & Dix.) M.Hill, J. Bryol. 11:600.1981 [1982].

    The sharply differentiated, often highly inflated basal cells, similar to those of Calymperaceae, are a salient feature of this species. T h e basal cells of B. recurvirostrum m ay occasionally be somewhat inflated, but this species has narrower leaves and a straight capsule. W h e n the basal cells of B. campylocarpum are only weakly inflated, it has m u c h the appearance of B. jamesonii, in which case other characters mentioned in the key may be used to distinguish the two species.

  • Distribution

    On rock or soil on mountain slopes, also in cloud forests at 2400-1100 m alt.; Distrito Federal, Durango, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz.—Mexico; Central America; West Indies; South American Cordillera; Mediterranean Europe; South Africa; Himalayas.

    Pakistan Asia| Nepal Asia| India Asia| Bhutan Asia| China Asia| South Africa Africa| Greece Europe| Albania Europe| Montenegro Europe| Croatia Europe| Slovenia Europe| Italy Europe| France Europe| Spain Europe| Venezuela South America| Colombia South America| Ecuador South America| Peru South America| Bolivia South America| Chile South America| Argentina South America| West Indies| Central America| Mexico North America|