
  • Authority

    Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro & collaborators. 1996. Flora of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 78: 1-581.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Genus Description - Shrubs or small trees. Leaves simple, entire. Flowers zygomorphic, 5-merous, axillary or terminal, solitary or in fascicled racemes; calyx bell-shaped or tubular, lobed or toothed; corolla trumpet-shaped, with spreading lobes; stamens 4, didynamous, included, sometimes the smallest 2 sterile, the filaments of equal length, the anthers opening by longitudinal slits; ovary of 2 connate carpels, the placentation axile with numerous ovules. Fruit a partly dehiscent or indehiscent capsule; seeds numerous, nearly ovoid, reticulate or pitted.

  • Distribution

    A neotropical genus of about 40 species, 21 of which are native to the West Indies.

    West Indies|