Dicranella brachyblepharis (Müll.Hal.) Mitt.
Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part One: Sphagnales to Bryales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (1): 1-452.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Plants dark-green, 5-10 mm high. Leaves ± curved-secund at stem tips, up to 4 mm long, rather broadly lanceolate, gradually acuminate (or in perichaetial leaves ovate and ± clasping at base, narrowed to an acumen about twice the length of the base), acute, entire or slightly serrulate at the apex; costa filling most of the apex, vanishing above or percurrent; upper cells rectangular, 4 0 x 6-8 um, scarcely thick-walled. Setae 4—5 mm long, yellowish to brownish; capsules erect and symmetric, oblong-cylindric, smooth or somewhat furrowed when dry; annulus large; peristome teeth 60-120 µm high, irregularly divided scarcely 1/2 down, vertically pitted-striolate below. Spores 20-25 µm, coarsely papillose.
D. brachyblepharis (C. Mull.) Mitt., J. Linn. Soc, Bot. 12: 34. 1869.
Aongstroemia brachyblepharis C. Mull., Syn. Muse Frond. 1: 435. 1848.
A. microdonta C. Miill., Syn. Muse Frond. 2: 606. 1851.
Dicranella microdonta (C. Mull.) Mitt., J. Linn. Soc, Bot. 12: 34. 1869.
Microdus liebmanni Schimp. ex Besch., Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 16: 162. 1872.
M. ovatus Schimp. ex Besch. Mem. Soc. Nat. Sci. Cherbourg 16:162. 1872.
M. sartorii Schimp. ex Besch., Mem. Soc. Nat. Sci. Cherbourg 16:162. 1872.
The short setae and peristome and coarsely papillose spores give definition to this species.
On wet, disturbed soil; Jalisco (Puerto Vallarta), Oaxaca, Veracruz (Jalapa, Mirador, and Huatusco).—Mexico and Guatemala; Haiti and Jamaica.
Mexico North America| Guatemala Central America| Haiti South America| Jamaica South America|