Fissidens rigidulus Hook.f. & Wilson

  • Authority

    Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part One: Sphagnales to Bryales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (1): 1-452.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Fissidens rigidulus Hook.f. & Wilson

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants dark-green to blackish, up to 1.5 cm long, branched or unbranched. Leaves lanceolate, acute, up to 2.5 mm long; margins ± entire, bordered on all the laminae, the border thick and cartilaginous, 31-43 µm wide and 3-4 cells thick; costa strong, percurrent, often confluent with the border above; dorsal lamina gradually narrowed to the insertion; vaginant laminae ± 1/2 the leaf length, mostly equal; cells smooth, irregularly bistratose, 5-9 µm. Monoicous and dioicous(?). Perichaetia and perigonia terminal. Setae 5-9 mm long; capsules 0.7-0.9 mm long, erect and symmetric to inclined and asymmetric; opercula rostrate; peristome teeth deeply divided, papillose below, coarsely papillose and spirally thickened above. Spores 18-22 µm in diameter, finely papillose. Calyptrae not seen.

  • Discussion

    Fig. 47

    F. rigidulus Hook. & Wils., Fl. Novae-Zealandiae 2: 61. 1854.

    F. steyermarkii Bartr. in Grout, N. Amer. Fl. 15(3): 177. 1943.

    F. oediloma C.Miill. ex Broth, ssp. steyermarkii (Bartr. ex Grout) Brugg.-Nann., Proc. K. Nederl. Akad. Wet. C, 82: 15. 1979.

    Fissidens rigidulus is primarily aquatic but also grows in moist, terrestrial habitats. Among the Mexican species, it can be distinguished by its thick, cartilaginous border and small, irregularly bistratose leaf cells.

  • Distribution

    On rocks beneath dripping water, ca. 1600 m; Puebla.—Mexico; Guatemala and Costa Rica; Brazil; Colombia and south along the Andes to Chile (including Juan Fernandez) and Argentina; New Zealand, Australia, and New Guinea; Solomon Islands.

    Mexico North America| Guatemala Central America| Costa Rica South America| Brazil South America| Colombia South America| Ecuador South America| Peru South America| Bolivia South America| Chile South America| Argentina South America| New Zealand Australia Oceania| Papua New Guinea Asia| Solomon Islands Oceania|