Couratari stellata A.C.Sm.

  • Authority

    Mori, S. A. & Lepsch da Cunha, Nadia M. 1995. The Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian moist forest. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 75: 1-55.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Couratari stellata A.C.Sm.

  • Description

    Species Description - Canopy to emergent trees, to 30-40 m tall, buttressed. Bark with fine, vertical fissures, often peeling in thin strips, the outer bark ca. 1 mm thick, the inner bark reddish, with white streaks. Leaves: petioles 7-15 mm long; blades elliptic, 7-13 x 4-7 cm, chartaceous, glabrous, longitudinally striate, with 9-14 pairs of secondary veins, the tertiary veins reticulate, the areoles 1-2 mm diam.; base obtuse; apex acuminate; margins serrulate along entire length, the teeth closely spaced. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, unbranched racemes or once-branched paniculate arrangements of racemes; pedicels sessile to subsessile, never longer than 2-3 mm. Flowers when leaves present; calyx of 6, orbicular-ovate, rounded lobes, 3-5 mm long; petals oblong to ovate, 20-30 mm long, usually white or cream- colored, infrequently yellow; androecial hood yellow, the exterior with numerous echinate appendages, the ligule often with pink on interior; staminal ring with 40-50 stamens inserted in several rows; hypanthium densely pubescent. Fruits asymmetrical, campanulate, 5-11 x 3-5 cm, the pericarp ca. 3 mm thick.

  • Discussion

    Phenology. Flowers from Sep to Jan. Common name. Tauarí. Comments. This species is characterized by its (1) longitudinal leaf striations, (2) flowers appearing when the leaves are present, (3) white petals and yellow androecial hood, and (4) relatively short, campanulate fruits.

  • Distribution

    Habitat. Terra firme. The 100-ha plot contains 77 individuals of this species >10 cm dbh.

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