Montanoa leucantha (Lag.) S.F.Blake subsp. leucantha

  • Authority

    Funk, Victoria A. 1982. The systematics of Montanoa (Asteraceae, Heliantheae). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 36: 1-133.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Montanoa leucantha (Lag.) S.F.Blake subsp. leucantha

  • Description

    Subspecies Description - Flowering (and Fruiting) Period: August-September (September-October).

  • Discussion

    Rudbeckia leucantha Lag., Gen. Sp. Pl. 32. 1816. Type: collected in 1806 in the Madrid garden from a plant introduced in 1804 from seeds sent by M. Sessé from Nova Hispania (lectotype selected from two syntypes, MA!; photo of lectotype, OS!). The two syntypes were both collected from the Madrid garden. The lectotype was collected in 1806 and the remaining syntype in 1816. Both specimens are in good condition but the earlier collection date was chosen. The plant blooms in Spain in the fall and it is possible that the latter specimen was not collected early enough to have been used for the description. Montanoa leucantha (Lag.) S. F. Blake, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26: 245. 1930. Montanoa crenata Schultz Bip. in K. Koch, Wochenschr. Vereines Befõrd. Gartenbaues Komgl. Preuss. Staaten 7: 406. 1864. Type: MEXICO, 1854, C. de Berges s.n. (holotype, P!; photo of holotype, F! GH! MO! OS! US!). Eriocoma crenata (Schultz Bip. in K. Koch) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 336. 1891. Montanoa purpurascens Robins. & Greenm., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 34: 515. 1899. Type. MEXICO, Agua Calientes, Jul-Sep 1837, C. T. Hartweg 134 (lectotype chosen from six syntypes, GH!; isolectotypes, CGE[2]! FI! G! K! LE! OXF! W!; photo of K isolectotype, OS!). The remaining five syntypes are: Guillemin-Tarayre, Dugès 456; Pringle 2184 & 3985; Rose 3647; and Schumann 115. The lectotype specimen was referred to Montagnaea grandiflora and attributed to Bentham (Hemsley, 1881). Eriocoma hartwegiana Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1: 336. 1891, nom. nud. Based on referral of Kuntze to Montagnaea grandiflora Benth. non DC. Montanoa arsenei S. F. Blake, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 22: 611. 1924. Type: MEXICO, Mi-choacán, vicinity of Morelia, Rincón, 1900 m, 8 Sep 1910, Bro. G. Arsène 5290 (holotype, US!; isotype, NY!). Montanoa leucantha subsp. leucantha is found in one locality growing sympatrically with M. tomentosa subsp. tomentosa. The area is east of Huichapán, Hidalgo, and both taxa are found along a dry creekbank (F 2955, 2957). Apparently M. leucantha subsp. leucantha has moved in from the west and M. tomentosa subsp. tomentosa from the south (pers. obser.). There is no morphological evidence of hybridization in the area and all chromosome counts from these taxa are normal.

  • Distribution

    Distribution and Habitat: South central Mexico from Hidalgo to Durango and Sinaloa (Fig. 57); dry rocky areas along streams and roads, in ditches and on slopes; 1700-2800 m, usually between 2000 and 2400 m.

    Mexico North America|