Thelypteris angustifolia (Willd.) Proctor

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Thelypteris angustifolia (Willd.) Proctor

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizomes short- to long-creeping; fronds subdimorphic, the fertile with longer stipes and narrower pinnae, mostly 25–80 (–130) cm long; blades 1-pinnate, each with a ± conform terminal pinna, lacking buds in axils of pinnae; pinnae (4–)7–18 (–22) pairs, ± equal in size, the proximal ones stalked to 3 mm, (5–)7–15(–18) x (0.5–)1–1.8(–2.3) cm, widest in the middle, tapering on both sides to acuminate apices and cuneate bases, margins entire to undulate; lateral veins of fertile pinnae ca. 13–18 per 3 cm, the veins meniscioid, forming usually 4–8(–13) series of areoles between costae and margins, areoles shorter than broad, the secondary veins curved or subsigmoid; indument abaxially of adpressed, curved or crispate hairs on costae and costules, the veins and tissue between veins on both sides glabrous or glabrescent; sori linear or lunate in single rows between costules at confluence of secondary veins; sporangia and receptacles glabrous.

  • Discussion

    Meniscium angustifolium Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4, 5(1): 133. 1810. Dryopteris angustifolia (Willd.) Urb., Symb. Antill. 4: 21. 1903. Type. Venezuela. Caracas, Bredemeyer s.n. (B-Willd. 19574).

    Polypodium salicifolium Vahl, Eclog. Amer. 3: 51. 1807, non Thelypteris salicifolia (Wall. ex Hook.) C. F. Reed, 1968. Type. Montserrat. Ryan s.n. (C).

    Compared to other species of subg. Meniscium, this species has narrower pinnae, with fewer vein areoles between the costae and pinna margins. More than any other species in subg. Meniscium, it is adapted to streamsides and occasional flooding, i.e., rheophytic habitats.