Thelypteris lanosa (C.Chr.) A.R.Sm.
Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Rhizomes short-creeping; fronds mostly 100-170 cm long; stipes stramineous, darkened at bases, to 60 cm x 9 mm, scaly at bases, the scales persistent, white or faintly pinkish when young, light brown when mature, ovate-lanceolate, to 14 x 6 mm, glabrous; blades chartaceous to subcoriaceous, dark greenish gray when dried, to 110 x 70 cm, tapering evenly toward the pinnatifid apices; pinnae to 35 x 3.7 cm, sessile, incised 3/4-4/5 the way to costae, proximal pinnae slightly or not at all reduced, with basal acroscopic segments often greatly enlarged and incised, the auricles to 7 x 2 cm; segments oblique, subfalcate to falcate, the margins frequently revolute; veins 13-19 pairs per segment, the proximal pair from adjacent segments connivent at the sinuses or distal vein of a pair reaching the margin just above the sinuses; indument abaxially of dense hairs on costae, costules, veins, and usually tissue between veins, costae lacking scales and glands, or the latter inconspicuous, stipitate, obscured by hairs, adaxially the costae densely hairy, hairs mostly 0.5-1 mm; sori medial, with indusia pale brown, densely hairy, hairs 0.5-1 mm, sometimes nearly obscuring the indusia; 2n=72 (Ver).
Dryopteris patens (Sw.) Kuntze var. lanosa C. Chr., Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., Naturvidensk. Math. Afd., ser. 7, 10: 180. 1913. Christella lanosa (C. Chr.) A° . Lo¨ve & D. Lo¨ve, Taxon 26: 326. 1977. Lectotype (chosen by Smith, 1971: 70). Mexico. [Veracruz:] Bourgeau s.n. (B!). Aspidium pallidum E. Fourn. var. majus E. Fourn., Mexic. Pl. 1: 96. 1872, nom. nud. Based on Mexico. [Veracruz:] Valle´e de Cordova, Bourgeau 1643 (A!, MICH!, P!, US!).
This is most similar to T. patens, and, without rhizome, the two are difficult to distinguish. They differ especially by the rhizome habit (creeping in T. lanosa, erect in T. patens), stipe base scales (narrower and pubescent in T. lanosa), and the denser hairs on the indusia and abaxial surfaces of the blades. From T. kunthii, also very similar, T. lanosa differs by the denser and longer hairs on the indusia and abaxial blade surfaces, and the more auriculate proximal pinnae.
Terrestrial in wet montane forests; 300–1450 m. Mexico.
Mexico North America|