Selaginella underwoodii Hieron.
Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Stems usually long-creeping, sometimes short-creeping or pendent, forming loose festoon-like mats or rarely compact mats, radially symmetrical, dry stems not fragile, branching anisotomously, lateral branches well spaced, spreading, not ascending, 1–2 times forked; rhizophores borne throughout stem length, 0.2–0.3 mm diam.; leaves of one kind (isophyllous) throughout stem length, loosely appressed, linear to linear-lanceolate, 2–3.4 x 0.4–0.7 mm, bases mostly decurrent and cuneate, rarely adnate and rounded (on young branches), pubescent or glabrous, apices carinate, slightly attenuate, short- to long-aristate, aristae hyaline-greenish to greenish yellow or rarely white, 0.2–1 mm, sometimes breaking off, margins entire to denticulate or very short-ciliate, cilia hyaline, scattered; strobili sometimes paired, quadrangular, 0.5–3.5 cm long; sporophylls monomorphic; megasporangia basal, strobili mostly microsporangiate; megaspores yellow, reticulate, 350–475 µm diam.; microspores orange, 35–45 µm diam.
Selaginella rupestris (L.) Spring var. fendleri Underw., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 127. 1898. Selaginella fendleri (Underw.) Hieron., Hedwigia 39: 303. 1900, hom. illeg., non Baker, 1883. Bryodesma underwoodii (Hieron.) Soja´k,Preslia 64: 155. 1992. Lectotype (chosen by Weatherby, 1944: 412). U.S.A. New Mexico: Fendler 1024 (NY!; isolectotype NY!).
Selaginella underwoodii Hieron.var. dolichotricha Weath., J. Arnold Arbor. 25: 412. 1944. Type. U.S.A. New Mexico: Mogollon creek, Metcalfe 276 (GH; isotype NY!).
Unverified, Doubtful, or Mistaken Reports. Ags (Siqueiros 4354, HUAA, cited by Siqueiros-Delgado & Gonza´lez-Adame, 2004, but not verified).
Selaginella underwoodii is a rather distinct species; however, it shows some variation in the number and length of the marginal cilia (from none to many), leaf base pubescence, and arista length.
Epipetric on moist or shaded cliffs, rocky slopes, rock crevices, granitic outcrops, hanging over granite cliffs, sandstone ledges or limestone; 1400–3200 m. USA; Mexico.
Mexico North America| United States of America North America|