Selaginella sertata Spring

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Selaginella sertata Spring

  • Description

    Species Description - Stems suberect, greenish to stramineous, generally 10–20 cm long, ca. 1 mm diam., articulate, flagelliform at apices, not stoloniferous; rhizophores in proximal 1/4 of plant and on flagelliform portion; leaves of two kinds (anisophyllous) above first stem branch, mostly 3 times branched; lateral leaves obliquely oblong, 3–4 mm long, bases truncate with central attachment, shortciliate at bases, denticulate, apices acute; median leaves obliquely ovate-lanceolate, bases with single peltate auricle, margins ciliate, apices long-acuminate; axillary leaves linear-oblong, truncate, ciliate in proximal half, denticulate distally; strobili quadrangular, 3–7 mm long; sporophylls monomorphic; megasporangia single at base of strobili; microsporangia in most of strobilus; megaspores gray, reticulate with low muri, ca. 500 µm diam.; microspores cream-colored, spiny.

  • Discussion

    Type. “Panama” [Costa Rica, Nicoya]. Sinclair [49] (isotype K!, frag. B!).

    Selaginella nicaraguensis Baker, J. Bot. 21: 333. 1883. Type. “Guatemala, in forests of Grenada” [Nicaragua]. Levy 360 (K, frag. NY!).

    Unverified, Doubtful, or Mistaken Reports. Camp (Chavelas et al. ES=357, ENCB, cited by Palacios-Rios, 2002, but not verified, doubtful). Selaginella sertata frequently has main stems arising vegetatively from flagelliform branches. In those “juvenile” stems, it is common to find axillary leaves with two prominent, ciliate, overlapping auricles, as well as biauriculate lateral leaves with acroscopic auricles prominent and curving downward along the stems. Specimens collected in this stage tend to be confused with mature specimens of S. eurynota. Selaginella sertata can be identified in the juvenile stage from S. eurynota by its conspicuously crowded (vs. distant) leaves at the stem bases which are rooted only at the base (vs. throughout). Selaginella sertata differs from S. eurynota and S. schizobasis in its fully developed stage by the characters given in the key. Additional discussions are under S. eurynota and S. schizobasis.

  • Distribution

    Terrestrial in lowland wet forests along rivers and grassy roadsides; 0–1000 m. Mexico; Guat, Bel, Hond, Salv, Nic, CR, Pan.

    Guatemala Central America| Belize Central America| Honduras Central America| El Salvador Central America| Nicaragua Central America| México Mexico North America|