Notholaena rigida Davenp.

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Notholaena rigida Davenp.

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizomes compact, horizontal, 1.5–2.5 mm diam.; rhizome scales linear-lanceolate, ca. 3 mm long, black, concolorous, sclerotic, lustrous, margins ciliate-denticulate; fronds 30–52 cm long (12–30 cm in Chis), clumped; stipes 1/6–1/3 the frond length, castaneous to atropurpureous, terete, bases with scattered to sparse, lanceolate scales 1–1.5 mm long, these denticulate to subentire, short-glandular to white-farinose-glandular; blades narrowly elliptic, bipinnate, 4.5–7.5 cm wide; pinnae (10–)13–16 pairs, equilateral to slightly exaggerated basiscopically, the segments shallowly lobed, chartaceous; adaxial surface glabrescent medially, glandular near margins; abaxial surfaces densely whitefarinose; laminar margins not or only slightly curved; spores tan or black; 2n = 60 (Tam).

  • Discussion

    Cheilanthes rigida (Davenp.) Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 20(85): 133. 1913. Chrysochosma rigida (Davenp.) Pic. Serm., Webbia 43: 308. 1989. Type. Mexico. Nuevo Leo´n: Sierra de la Silla, Pringle 2599 (GH; isotypes B, BM, F, G, K, MO, NY!, P, US!, YU!).

    This species has an unusual disjunct distribution. Chiapas material differs only in being slightly smaller (12–30 cm vs. 30–52 cm long), having pinnae equilateral (vs. most slightly inequilateral), and lacking farina (but with glands).