Notholaena aschenborniana Klotzsch

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Notholaena aschenborniana Klotzsch

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizomes compact, horizontal, 2–3 mm diam.; rhizome scales linear-lanceolate, ca. 3 mm long, black, concolorous, sclerotic, lustrous, margins ciliate-denticulate; fronds 21–28 x 2–6 cm, clumped; stipes ca. 1/4 the frond length, black, terete, with scattered, dark brown, linear-lanceolate, ciliate-denticulate scales 3 mm long (these especially abundant near the base of the stipe), and brown to whitish highly dissected scales (resembling stellate hairs); blades narrowly lanceolate, bipinnate to bipinnatepinnatifid, not strongly narrowed proximally; pinnae 12–20 pairs, equilateral, the segments oblong, obtuse; adaxial surfaces with dense, stellate, white hairs; abaxial surfaces with a slight farina covering, densely clothed with brown, linear-lanceolate, long-ciliate scales 0.5–1 mm long, and pale cilia covering the surfaces and sori; blade margins somewhat curved; sporangia 32- spored; spores orange-tan; n =2n =90, apogamous (NL, SLP, Tam, USA).

  • Discussion

    Cheilanthes aschenborniana (Klotzsch) Mett., Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. 3: 21. 1859. Chrysochosma aschenborniana (Klotzsch) Pic. Serm., Webbia 43: 307. 1989. Type. Mexico. Distrito Federal: Chapultepec, Aschenborn 593 (B!; isotypes P!, photo GH, US!). Notholaena bipinnata Liebm., Mexic. Bregn. 214 (reprint 62). 1849. Type. Mexico. Puebla: Tehuaca´n, Liebmann 2455 (not found at C; isotype US!).

    Notholaena aschenborniana is sometimes described as nonfarinose, but the abaxial glandular farina characteristic of all species of Notholaena is present beneath the dense covering of scales. Windham (in FNA Ed. Comm., 1993) reported this species to comprise mostly apogamous triploids that apparently arose through autopolyploidy; it is possible that 64-spored, diploid populations of N. aschenborniana may exist. This species is similar to N. galeottii but is distinct in the stellate hairs on the adaxial blade surfaces.

  • Distribution

    In oak woodlands, rocky slopes and cliffs, mostly on limestone, less commonly on basalt; 900-3000 m. USA (s Ariz, w Tex); Mexico.

    Mexico North America|