Tectaria vivipara Jermy & T.G.Walker

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Beitel, Joseph M. 1988. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 1-580.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Tectaria vivipara Jermy & T.G.Walker

  • Description

    Species Description - Similar to T. incisa except: one to several proliferous buds on the upper side of the lamina, these usually at the bases of the pinnae; basal pinnae often with acute acroscopic lobe often cut to base and distinct.

  • Discussion

    Type. Trinidad. Central Range Forest Reserve, ca. 60 m, T G. Walker T6173 (BM; isotype herb. Walker). Nephrodium macrophyllum var. viviparum Jenman, Bull. Bot. Dept. 3: 238. 1896. Tectaria incisa Ca-vanilles f. vivípara (Jenman) Morton, Amer. Fern J. 56: 131. 1966. Tectaria martinicensis var. vivipara (Jenman) Domin, Rozpr. Král. Ceské Spolecn. Nauk., Tr. Mat.-Prir. 2: 231. 1929. Syntypes. “Guiana Rivers, the Pomeroon and its tributaries especially." Jenman (NY! —3 sheets). Lectotype (chosen here). “British Guiana. Isorooroo R., Pomeroon," Jenman s.n. (NY!). Tectaria vivipara differs primarily from T. incisa by its viviparous habit. This taxon, which has been described at various ranks from forma to species, has been found to be a diploid in Trinidad (Walker, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Bot. 13: 223. 1985). Tectaria vivipara Jermy & Walker is based on a new type of known genetic constitution and is therefore a new name. Nonviviparous T incisa in Trinidad was found to be a tetraploid and formed sterile triploid hybrids with T. vivípara. This hybrid, T. x bulbifera Jermy & Walker (Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Bot. 13: 269. 1985. Type. Trinidad. Charuma Ward: Ca. 45 m, T. G. Walker 6175A (BM; isotype herb. Walker)), has abortive bulblets in the pinna axils and abortive spores. Cowan 3535 (NY) from Tabasco, Mexico, appears to be this hybrid taxon. For discussions of differences from T. mexicana, T. transiens, and T. heracleifolia, see those taxa.

  • Distribution

    Terrestrial, in wet forests; Choapan, Juchitán, Villa Alta; 150-300 m. Mexico (Ver, Oax, Chis, Tab); CR, Pan; Trin; Col to Guy & Braz.

    Mexico North America| Brazil South America| Guyana South America| Colombia South America| Trinidad and Tobago South America| Panama Central America| Costa Rica South America|