Lophosoria quadripinnata (J.F.Gmel.) C.Chr.

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Lophosoria quadripinnata (J.F.Gmel.) C.Chr.

  • Description

    Species Description - Stems creeping, densely clothed with long, golden hairs; fronds 2–4 m long; stipes mostly stramineous, nearly black and very hairy at bases with golden hairs to 2 cm; blades tripinnatepinnatifid to quadripinnate, subcoriaceous; pinnae subsessile to petiolulate, petiolules to 13 cm long, pinnules also stalked to 2 mm; adaxial surfaces nearly glabrous, lustrous, hairs limited to axes and major veins; abaxial surfaces with orange-tan hairs 1–2 mm long, especially on midveins, to nearly glabrous; 2n =130 (Jam).

  • Discussion

    Polypodium glaucum Sw., Prodr. 134. 1788, hom. illeg, non Thunb., 1784. Polypodium quadripinnatum J. F. Gmel., Syst. Nat. 2(2): 1314. 1791 [1792]. Polypodium pruinatum Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2): 29 1801, nom. superfl. Lophosoria pruinata (Sw.) C. Presl, Gefa¨ssbu¨ndel Farrn 36. 1847. Alsophila quadripinnata (J. F. Gmel.) C. Chr., Index Filic. 47. 1905. Type. Jamaica, Swartz s.n. (S?).

    Trichosorus glaucescens Liebm., Mexic. Bregn. 283 (reprint 131). 1849. Lectotype (chosen by Smith, 1981: 144). Mexico. Oaxaca: “Inter Talea and Hac. de Sta. Gertrudes,” Liebmann s.n. [Fl. Me´x. 877] (C!).

    Trichosorus densus Liebm., Mexic. Bregn. 284 (reprint 132). 1849. Lectotype (chosen by Smith, 1981: 144) Mexico. Puebla: “Pr. Chinautla,” Liebmann s.n. [Fl. Mex. 881] (C!, photo BR!, photo US, frag. NY!).

    Trichosorus frigidus Liebm., Mexic. Bregn. 284 (reprint 132). 1849. Lectotype (chosen by Smith, 1981: 144). Mexico. Oaxaca: “Cerro de Sempoaltepec,” Liebmann s.n. [Pl. Me´x 884] (C!, photo US; isotype US!); isotype Liebmann s.n. [Pl. Mex. 507] (C!, photo US).

  • Distribution

    Wet upper montane forests and cloud forests on slopes, oak woods, with pine, beech, alder; 1050–3050 m. Mexico; Guat, Hond, Salv, Nic, CR, Pan; Gr Ant; Col, Ven, Trin, Ec, Peru, Bol, s Chile, J Fdez, Arg.

    Mexico North America| Argentina South America| Chile South America| Bolivia South America| Peru South America| Amazonas Ecuador South America| Trinidad and Tobago South America| Venezuela South America| Colombia South America| Panama Central America| Costa Rica South America| Nicaragua Central America| El Salvador Central America| Honduras Central America| Guatemala Central America|