Aechmea dichlamydea Baker

  • Authority

    Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1979. Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (3): 1493-2142. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Aechmea dichlamydea Baker

  • Description

    Description - Leaves 6-10 dm long; sheaths subelliptic, conspicuous, to 12 cm wide, densely and minutely brown-appressed-lepidote; blades ligulate, acuminate to rounded-apiculate, 4-7 cm wide, inconspicuously pale-punctulate-lepidote especially beneath, armed with fine acicular teeth to 3 mm long; scape erect (?), elongate, relatively slender, white-flocculose; scape-bracts lanceolate, acute, entire, bright red, the upper ones suberect to spreading. Inflorescence amply compound, to 5 dm long, lax, cylindric to narrowly pyramidal, white-flocculose; primary bracts like the scape-bracts, reflexed, decreasing evenly in size; branches simple, ascending or spreading; stipes flattened dorsally, naked; spikes oblong, densely distichously 5-20-flowered, strongly complanate, to 8 cm long; rhachis winged and attached to the sides of the floral bracts. Floral bracts spreading, uniform, cymbiform, broadly ovate, short-mucronate, 12-15 mm long, slightly exceeding the ovary, entire, prominently nerved; flowers sessile, divergent to spreading. Sepals strongly asymmetric, mucronate, to 19 mm long; petals erect, linear, mucronulate, 21 mm long, yellow, bearing 2 dentate scales at base; stamens included, the second series short-adnate; ovary stout, 7 mm long, enlarged in fruit, the epigynous tube large, crateriform; ovules borne near top of the cell, numerous, short-caudate.