Dryopteris wallichiana (Spreng.) Hyl.

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Dryopteris wallichiana (Spreng.) Hyl.

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizomes erect, caudex often trunk-like, to 30 cm tall; rhizome scales concolorous, dark brown, to 25 x 3 mm, linearlanceolate, filiform at tips, with irregularly ciliate to subentire margins; fronds 45-135 cm long; stipes stramineous, (8-)15-30 cm x 4-12 mm, usually 1/4(-1/3) or less the frond length, at bases and also distally with dense, spreading, dark brown scales similar to those of rhizomes, the scales nearly concealing the stipes, eglandular; blades thick-herbaceous to subcoriaceous, lustrous dark green above, lighter below, oblong-lanceolate, pinnate-pinnatifid nearly throughout or infrequently fully 2- pinnate proximally, (30-)50-100(-120) x (12-)18-28 cm, with pinnae mostly alternate, spreading nearly 90º, 22-40 pairs; rachises stramineous to light tan, copiously scaly (scales similar to those of stipes and often nearly obscuring rachises), eglandular; proximal pinnae linear-lanceolate, sessile or very shortstalked < 2 mm, reduced, 6-12 cm x 1.3-2.5 cm, equilateral, without enlarged basiscopic or acroscopic pinnules; distal pinnae sessile or stalked to 2 mm, equilateral, 7-18 x 1.5-2.5(-3) cm, segments oblong, rounded to often truncate at tips, entire to often denticulate at tips; indument abaxially of numerous linear to lanceolate brownish ciliate scales on costae and costules, veins and surfaces between veins glabrous, adaxially with similar scales on costae, lamina otherwise glabrous; sori medial, indusia brown, 0.8-1.4 mm diam., flat, glabrous; 2n=123 (Méx), 164 (Oax, Jam).

  • Discussion

    Aspidium paleaceum D. Don, Prod. Flor. Nepal. 4. 1825, hom. illeg., non Sw., 1806. Aspidium wallichianum Spreng., Syst. Veg., ed 16, 4: 104. 1827. Aspidium donianum Spreng., Syst. Veg., ed. 16, 4: 320. 1827, nom. superfl. Dryopteris paleacea Hand.-Mazz., Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 58: 100. 1908, nom. superfl. Type. Nepal. Wallich s.n. (K).

    Aspidium paleaceum Sw., Syn. Fil. 52. 1806. Dryopteris paleacea (Sw.) C. Chr., Amer. Fern J. 1: 94. 1911, hom. illeg., non Hand.-Mazz., 1908. Type. Peru. Lasgasca s.n. (S-photos GH, US).

    Aspidium parallelogrammum Kunze, Linnaea 13: 146. 1839. Dryopteris parallelogramma (Kunze) Alston, Amer. Fern J. 47: 92. 1957. Syntypes. Mexico. Hegewisch s.n., Karwinski s.n. (B?).

    Aspidium crinitum M. Martens & Galeotti, Me´m. Foug. Mexique 66, pl. 17, f. 2. 1842. Type. Mexico. Oaxaca: Llano Verde, Galeotti 6348 (BR!, photos LL!, NY!, US!; isotypes B!, BR!-6 sheets, K!, P!-4 sheets photo US, US!, frag. NY!).

    For discussion of nomenclature (species epithet and authorship), see Smith and Fraser-Jenkins (1982).

    Dryopteris wallichiana appears to be an apogamous triploid or tetraploid in the New World, but an apogamous diploid in the Old World (Fraser-Jenkins, 1989). However, Asian and African material assigned to D. wallichiana is very similar to neotropical specimens. Dryopteris wallichiana has been confused with D. pseudofilix-mas (q.v. for differences); the former is much more common, and the two species are known to hybridize.

  • Distribution

    Terrestrial in cloud forests, pine-oak forests, especially along streams; 1500-150 m. Mexico; Guat, Hond, CR, Pan; Jam, Hisp; Col, Ven, Ec, Peru, s Braz, Bol, nw Arg; Africa, Himalayas, India, China, Japan, Malesia, Hawaii. Moran (in Davidse et al., 1995) also included Paraguay in the range.

    Mexico North America| Guatemala Central America| Honduras Central America| Costa Rica South America| Panama Central America| Jamaica South America| Dominican Republic South America| Haiti South America| Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Ecuador South America| Brazil South America| Peru South America| Bolivia South America| Argentina South America| Africa| United States of America North America| Paraguay South America| India Asia| China Asia| Japan Asia| Malaysia Asia| Pakistan Asia| Nepal Asia| Bhutan Asia|