Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott

  • Authority

    Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizomes suberect to erect; rhizome scales lacking in the sole Mexican specimen, but elsewhere concolorous, orange-tan, of two distinct kinds, one broad, ovate to lanceolate, mostly 5-15 x 2-6 mm, the other hair-like, mostly 4 x 0.1 mm, lustrous, irregularly toothed to subentire; fronds 50-80 cm long; stipes stramineous, ca. 15 cm x 4 mm (frond incomplete), less than 1/4 the frond length, with scales near bases and also some distally, 10-18 mm long, with acuminate tips, eglandular; blades herbaceous, green, lanceolate, 40-60 x 15-25 cm, 2-pinnate-pinnatifid in the proximal 2/3-3/4, pinnate-pinnatifid in the distal 1/3-1/4, with pinnae mostly alternate, spreading 75-90º from rachises, 25-35 pairs; rachises stramineous, moderately scaly, eglandular; proximal pinnae 8 x 3.2 cm, shorter than second pinna pair, equilateral with pinnules about the same length on basiscopic and acroscopic sides, to 2 x 0.9 cm; distal pinnae sessile or stalked to 3 mm, equilateral, to ca. 13 x 4 cm, the 5th or 6th pinna pair the longest, pinnules serrate to lobed ca. halfway to costules; indument abaxially of scattered stramineous to light tan scales on costae and costules, glands absent or sparse, adaxially glabrous; sori medial, with tan indusia ca. 1 mm diam., flattish, eglandular; 2n=164 (USA).

  • Discussion

    Polypodium filix-mas L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1090. 1753. Lectotype (chosen by Jonsell & Jarvis, 1994: 149). Europe, Herb. Clifford 475, Polypodium 10 (BM).

    Unverified, Doubtful, or Mistaken Reports. NL (Hinton & Hinton 22097, cited by Hinton & Hinton, 1995, but the specimen is D. pseudofilix-mas). The sole Mexican collection of this species is from near the Texas border and the Big Bend region, Canyon Hundido on N side of Pico de Centinela, Sierra del Jardi´n, 8 km E of Rancho El Jardi´n, 29º 06–08' N, 102º 37–38' W. This specimen, which lacks stipe bases and rhizomes, is larger than many from the United States, but matches well the more dissected forms, e.g., Cusick 3250 (UC), from Oregon. Plants of D. filix-mas from the western United States may not be conspecific with those from eastern North America and elsewhere. Dryopteris filix-mas most resembles D. arguta, from which it differs in having the basal basiscopic pinnule of proximal pinnae slightly longer that the next pinnule (slightly shorter in D. arguta), less scaly stipes and rachises, the greater number of pairs of slightly reduced pinnae (the lowermost 8 cm, then the next 5 pairs gradually lengthened to 13.5 cm), and the less pronouncedly spinulose segment margins. From D. pseudofilix-mas it differs in having more dissected leaves (the middle pinnae being fully 2- pinnate) and the lighter green blades. The entire D. filix-mas complex is in need of revision (Montgomery & Wagner in FNA Ed. Comm., 1993) throughout its range and especially in the New World.

  • Distribution

    Terrestrial in pine-oak forests; 1500-2250 m. Canada, USA (including Tex, N Mex, Ariz, and Calif); Mexico; Greenland; Europe; Asia.

    Canada North America| United States of America North America| Mexico North America| Greenland North America| Europe| Asia|